
I am back! Hey! Chapter 14 of The Bad Boy’s Baby is up! 


Hey Wattpad! Wow! Long time no write. I’ve been so occupied with coding on Episode, that I haven’t spent as much time as I would’ve liked too on writing The Bad Boy’s Baby and Warehouse Hotline! I will definitely start updating soon!
          - Maryam 


Despite all of this, has anyone really asked Britney how her mental health is? Has anyone ever asked her, how is your day? Instead of, ‘hey Britney, when’s the new album coming up?’ Or ‘when’s the next tour?’ Or even ‘are you going to be doing a reunion with so and so...’ or ‘which artists would you like to collaborate with?’ Like honestly, can you stop??
          My respect for Britney has grown, and I applaud her for being SO STRONG AND BRAVE!! For all those years, it must’ve taken a toll on her. Nonetheless, what a wonderful woman!!


          It is completely and utterly wrong to feel that your rights should be taken away, to be hospitalised in a mental health facility, that she didn’t deserve!
          Britney is like us, HUMAN! Not a puppet which you can decide which steps it should take, which way it should walk, which lines should be spoken, and most importantly you cannot hold keep them locked away until the next show! NO. She deserves more. I’ve been watching videos and quite frankly I feel very disgusted that I hadn’t noticed this before. It’s easy to miss a simple and small detail which can easily become a big detail once you focus on it. 
          To be honest, I’ve liked Britney’s music, she’s beautiful (bless her!) and she seems like a sweet soul who has gone through so much. Not to mention the crazy paparazzi are so bent on trying to get a statement, that they’d go to such lengths as to follow the poor woman into the restroom whilst she’s crying! What time of society are filthy stories do you want to concoct? The fact that we have ‘HOLLYWOOD’S ICON BRITNEY SPEARS CAPTURED IN THE BATHROOM CRYING’. Please, remove yourselves. 
          Another point to speak about is that, Britney’s vocal range has changed. Her REAL SINGING voice, not that of a falsetto. As you can tell this was done by the label, they have taken control of her singing voice and when she decided to move away from that era, they blocked her from doing so. Why? Because they feel they’d lose their ‘money-maker’. It makes me feel disgusted to have written that word, I do not and will not tolerate women or men to be associated with terms that are degrading and not acceptable. 


BRITNEY SPEARS DESERVES MORE!!!! I am signing this petition, because I truly believe like everyone, Britney deserves her FREEDOM. Something that has been restricted for more than 10 years, 10 years of her life entrapped in a filthy contract not benefitting her, nor her health. 
          As important it is, for any celebrity, privacy, support and most importantly FREEDOM. Britney Spears is an ICON. She’s benevolent, has no hate and is always trying her hardest no matter what is thrown her way. And the fact that this conservatorship has taken over her life and ruined her HEALTH, RELATIONSHIPS, and most importantly HER RIGHT TO FREEWILL. It is incompetent to think that Britney Spears should be treated as a ‘product’. She is a human like you, like me. She deserves her OWN LAWYER, her OWN CHOICE OF SECURITY, her OWN ABILITY TO PICK WHETHER SHE WANTS TO SWITCH LABELS, her OWN CHOICE TO RELEASE HER OWN MUSIC!! Not to be captive and trapped in a never-ending contract by her own!! Don’t shy away and sign this dang petition to give Britney her life back!! I know we can’t give her back those ten plus years, but we can try and gather hope and determination to hope that this never happens again. As well as for Britney to win this legal battle to her advantage!!

          Sign it!!!  #FREEBRITNEY


I am going to address this, in the simplest way possible. I love Wattpad. I’m a Wattpader, but I don’t understand all these changes. First airplay mode, paid stories, ads, and now this? 
          Why are you changing the layout. Why did you change the icon years ago? What change is necessary. People appreciate the old things because they’re what started their love for it. I honestly cba with an email, but like for the betterment of our experience on this site. Change it back, please and thanks @wattpad 
          - From majority of Wattpad Readers/Writers