
Guys if you have Dreame, my books Fractured Heart and Forbidden Heart by Mia Harlan (co-written with Vivi Clarke) are both uploaded and COMPLETED.


@MiaMeade  finish the S.T.A.W.P book mam for godsake!


@MiaMeade pls update ive been waiting f4eva


@Miameade hey.....plz update stawp plzzz!!!!!!!!!!!


Hi, look i really loved your book STAWP and I beg you to finish LBAWP please don't do this to me please please please  IT was my first ever werewolf book..Look it doesn't take 5yrs to figure out an ending. Come on author you can do it.


Well, I was enjoying Saved by the Wolf Pack…I’m part way through it…but just found out you never finished the series.  Since it’s been two years since you last updated it’s guess is you aren’t going to finish?  That’s really too bad…it’s a good series…you’ve done a great job on what you’ve written so far…but I can’t make up my mind whether I should read the rest or not.  Hate being left on a cliff hanger.   Hope some day you decide to finish it!