


          	  Hope you're doing well! I've got this mind-blowing Fate fanfic idea that could shake things up a bit. You know how legends hint that King Arthur might be a divine incarnation? What if we run with that for a wicked plot twist?
          	  Here's the scoop: the Holy Grail, supposed to grant any wish, isn't some divine vending machine. It's a vessel for God's blood, kept safe by Aurelius, Merlin's dad, to avoid any mess-ups. But King Uther, in the know, struck a sneaky deal with Merlin's old man and snagged the Grail. His wish? Saving Britain as the Age of the Gods was wrapping up. Different from Vortigern, right? Uther aimed for an ideal king with world-defying powers, and bam, Artoria came into the scene with Uther's blood, dragon vibes, and a touch of God's power.
          	  Now, Artoria turns into a literal God-clone, emotions on the fritz. To keep the peace, she forces emotions on herself until Merlin spots it and tells her to cool it. Uther added a twist to his wish: a key for Artoria's power, which happens to be Morgan le Fay. Uther hoped his two daughters could rule side by side, a mix of care for Morgan and guilt for not making her the king.
          	  Uther kept his wish hush-hush until he bit the dust. With Merlin's dad on board, not even clairvoyance could spill the beans. And despite Vortigern's name-calling, Uther was no coward; if anything, he was a bit of a maniac.
          	  And here's another plot twist. the Counterforce is flipping out big time.
          	  Turns out, in any worldline, the Counterforce is like, "Nope, no reconciliation for Artoria and Morgan." Why? Because it's terrified. If those two make up, Artoria could just snap her fingers and poof – reality as we know it goes out the window. Imagine an eternal Camelot with the always stoic Artoria running the show.
          	  Uther's wish, the Grail, and Artoria's God-clone status become even more intense when you throw in the Counterforce doing everything it can to keep Artoria and Morgan from sorting things out. The counterforce is scared


          	  PLS Don't delete your stories, preserve it.


@MisakaLovesYou I'm glad that you are still kicking around even tho you are busy with Ben-10 Radiant-War. [I can't blame you. I'm an writing myself so I can understand how hard it is to update a book.] But keep doing what you love! 
          	  - From V.D.


Here’s a thought what would happen if instead of having Return By Death Subaru ended up summoning Saber.  And the story would have three routes like the original Fate visual novel so Stay Night which is the Arturia route, Unlimited Blade Works which would be the Rem route I guess, and Heaven’s Feel which would be the Emilia route.  I don’t know it’s just something fun to think about.


Hey Mikoto, did you hear about Akira Toriyama’s passing? I think that in honour of his legacy and memory, you should finish Dragon Ball Game Of Gods, Fairy Tail Super, RIFT NXT, and Majin Among Straw Hats, since each of those were largely Dragon Ball influenced!


@MisakaLovesYou excuse me, do you take drawing request?


@Kamijou_touchi I don’t think @jdurojjj speak english. No offense


@Yukihara_813 i she not draw for you can ask @jdurojjj maybe he can draw for you


Hey yo,
          Hope you're doing well! I've got this mind-blowing Fate fanfic idea that could shake things up a bit. You know how legends hint that King Arthur might be a divine incarnation? What if we run with that for a wicked plot twist?
          Here's the scoop: the Holy Grail, supposed to grant any wish, isn't some divine vending machine. It's a vessel for God's blood, kept safe by Aurelius, Merlin's dad, to avoid any mess-ups. But King Uther, in the know, struck a sneaky deal with Merlin's old man and snagged the Grail. His wish? Saving Britain as the Age of the Gods was wrapping up. Different from Vortigern, right? Uther aimed for an ideal king with world-defying powers, and bam, Artoria came into the scene with Uther's blood, dragon vibes, and a touch of God's power.
          Now, Artoria turns into a literal God-clone, emotions on the fritz. To keep the peace, she forces emotions on herself until Merlin spots it and tells her to cool it. Uther added a twist to his wish: a key for Artoria's power, which happens to be Morgan le Fay. Uther hoped his two daughters could rule side by side, a mix of care for Morgan and guilt for not making her the king.
          Uther kept his wish hush-hush until he bit the dust. With Merlin's dad on board, not even clairvoyance could spill the beans. And despite Vortigern's name-calling, Uther was no coward; if anything, he was a bit of a maniac.
          And here's another plot twist. the Counterforce is flipping out big time.
          Turns out, in any worldline, the Counterforce is like, "Nope, no reconciliation for Artoria and Morgan." Why? Because it's terrified. If those two make up, Artoria could just snap her fingers and poof – reality as we know it goes out the window. Imagine an eternal Camelot with the always stoic Artoria running the show.
          Uther's wish, the Grail, and Artoria's God-clone status become even more intense when you throw in the Counterforce doing everything it can to keep Artoria and Morgan from sorting things out. The counterforce is scared


I have a story suggestion and it’s one I haven’t seen done in a fanfic yet.  So if you have time could you do Re: Zero x Legend of Zelda?  As for which Link you want to use I’d say any one of them works though I’m partial to the Hero of the Wild and Hero of Twilight.  I mean we’ve all played Breath of the Wild and Tears of the Kingdom so we know how cool the hero of the wild is.  And the hero of twilight just needs no introduction especially if you read the manga for Twilight Princess which while it does cut out some things from the game’s story that are questionable it’s still pretty good.  Plus Rem snuggling with Wolf Link is an adorable image.