
I haven't used Wattpad in so long, I forgot how to use it, lol


Come back home, prodigal sons and daughters!!! Return back to Him!! God is waiting for you to come home!!! His arms are outstretched and ready to take you back in!! 
          He sees you coming from the distance!! He told the people who work for Him to prepare a feast for celebration!! Come back home!!!
          God won't reject you for leaving, He welcomes you back with open arms and is ready to give you so much love!! Where people may have kicked you out and you have no one to turn to, God is waiting for you to return back to Him!! You do have a way and that way is towards the arms of Jesus!


Hey I just gotta say, I looked around your profile and I'm so happy that someone like you appeared as my reply in my message on Wattpad! I can't help but feel you were sent by the lord as there is no such thing as a coincidence in God's plan, you're doing a magnificent job on spreading the word and hope you're having an awesome day and night, God bless you! ^w^


@ShowtimeAddy it's pretty cool to see another person spreading the word of God on Wattpad. Wattpad is full of many young people and there needs to be outreach even here. The gospel isn't limited to place and shouldn't be contained in church walls. Even if it's a weird place to talk about God at, at least some of the young ones here can come into contact with God's love. Keep staying faithful to the Lord and thank you very much! God bless you too!


I want people to know that they are loved by God! There's more to Jesus than what meets the eyes and ears! As a follower of Christ, I don't even know everything about Jesus either but I want to get to know Him better so that I can receive what He has for me and love Him but also tell others that they can know that there is such a thing as PERFECT and unconditional love! There is still hope! 


It's sad that most people think that they are too far gone to be saved and go to heaven because of how much they sinned. They say things like, "I'm already going to hell. I can't be saved."
          We ALL have sinned and fallen short of God's glory, okay? Even me! I went to Jesus just as I was! Dirty, wicked, evil, sexually immoral, a liar, a blasphemer, and slander, even with my anxiety, depression, sleep paralysis, broken, abused, rejected! THE LIST GOES ON!
          He forgave me of all that and healed the hurt that was inflicted on me by others, the devil, AND myself! He showed me how much He loves me and still does! He changed my mindset and is still changing me but He reminds me all the time to trust Him and get to KNOW HIM PERSONALLY!
          YOU ARE NOT TOO FAR GONE TO BE SAVED, HEALED, SET FREE, DELIVERED! DON'T believed the lies of the adversary who is the devil! You DON'T have to face condemnation or hell, it wasn't even made for you so why go to a place that wasn't made for you?! God will take you in and give you love that you need and you're searching for!! This is about an INTIMATE relationship with God which can only be done through Jesus Christ!
          You are NOT too far to be saved! However, all you need to do is place your faith in Jesus Christ. Confess and believe in your heart that He is who He says He is according to the scriptures (Read the Book of John) 


New chapter posted about intrusive thoughts, such as anxiety and depression. I want you all to start asking more questions. Please don't be afraid to comment. I'm here to help. 
          I just published "Thoughts" of my story "Truth Be Told".