So what if I think im superman #superman
So what if i have a car with batman in my background #superman
So what if i can fly but dont have any powers.... (i fly with a plane) #superman
So what if i say so what and if i say so what to this so what sentence #superman
So what if i mind-raped you just now. #superman
So what if no one cares about any of my 'so what' sentences and they're just like 'so what??'
Ill tell you what
Because Superman (Peter Parker) lol
Its just that you have to pay big $$$ to get your life saved. lol

Yhh well I'm a guy. 15 yrs old. Favorite colour is Orange.. Football team Oranje and Im from Holland
So yhh Cheese, blah blah blah , milk , water i guess. NOT WEED!!!

......PM me!
  • Somewhere in Africa
  • Дата регистрацииJuly 11, 2014

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