I hath returned

Ngl, in the mood to rp some romance.

@One_With_Wolves Yeah. I haven't had any irl recently, but I like the thrill that comes with experiencing it in any form. And how happy it makes me too.

Anyone have any new roleplays? Looking to slowly get back into it.

Discord roleplay invite https://discord.gg/DGGRJr2B

@2p_Alastor-Demon So basically, the modern times have returned to those of Camelot. Electricity is scarce, almost non-existent and any modern technology has disappeared. A curse has been placed upon the world, those who were once human have become animals, or rather part animal. A primal side that exists beneath their human skin. To release this curse, and maybe to return the humans back to themselves, they have to participate in a selection. The 2 children of a hexenbiest must find love, and among their possible suitors are those who wish this world to be the way they are, animals. A rebellion, you could call them. And now, the 14 possible suitors, 7 men, and 7 women must fight for the love of a hexenbiest, and must fall in love with them as well.

So, to lessen the stress on myself, and to still allow people to rp, I have created a discord roleplay, based on the show Grimm. If you would like to take part, I will be posting the invite later today.

@_-SongBird-_ Awesome. If you wanna just watch, or wanna participate, I posted the link a while ago.

@NerdyPeach I am very interested to see how you pull that off and also I loved it and I've seen it twice

@_-SongBird-_ My family and I just finished watching it and I was like, "I want to create a Grimm selection roleplay." And I did. But did you like it?

So, I'm gonna be honest. Everyone is having attitude with me today. Obviously, hugs are needed. So virtual hugs sent. Please take care and good night.

Who is having a attitude I’ll throw hands for you bby <3 but yes virtual hugs goodnight!

To those who were participating in my Roleplay. It will no longer be happening. I just don't feel that we have enough people, and I'm also not in the right headspace to run my own rp. Again, I apologize for not continuing the roleplay.

I think you can handle a big roleplay very well!

Just posted the first Roleplay chapter for When World's collide! I hope those involved enjoy!