
surprise, bitch. bet you thought you'd seen the last of me. 
          	Hello all, I hope that those that are still haunting this dying site and pestering me to give them the chapter 26 goods are doing well in these covid times- especially my American readers!! y'all good? remember to vote the orange cheeto out if you are old enough to vote, and get your mails in soon. Save the USPS!!! 
          	I hope I managed to get this chapter up scot-free for you all without wattpad admin coming for me. It wasn't a particularly risky chapter so it makes me laugh a lot when i think that the only reason it got killed was that I dared to write the word d i l d o a bunch of times, and probably l u b e did it as well ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ whoops. 
          	Um, I'm not dead. Obviously. You can still catch me on instagram, twitter, tiktok and tumblr if you so wish it. I'm about to embark in my final year at Art School (exciting) so if there's any older art students out there hit me up, lets build a community again in the name of arT. 
          	I'm doing okay despite all the crap that 2020 has been throwing our way. Apparently October starts with a full moon and ends on a blue moon so god knows what energy is going to be spouting about in a month, I hope it's spooky in a postive way. 
          	I'm rambling now but I just hope you are all safe and well, fighting The Man, and working towards your idea of happiness or find it along the way. 
          	I don't know if i'll ever be back on here, or even write again, but thank you everyone <3 these were the best of times and I loved every second xoxo


@PandaGuts Is there going to be a sequel to Gay Chicken, and after that, a prequel???????


@PandaGuts  do u still have the sequal of stf


@PandaGuts I had to read "remember to vote the orange cheeto out" multiple times to understand for some reason lol. but yes we dunked the orange cheeto


So does anyone know what happened with darla, Logan and Daniel? I’m so confused with those three. Who is seeing who? Did we ever find out? 


@poetssmoon all of her social medias died in 2016


@poetssmoon sadly, I've been led to believe the author is either dead or permanently inactive


@ anime-fantasy-books  I actually have no idea. The author started the story as a 16 year old and came back 5 years later. I doubt she will even think bout this story.
            Nevertheless, I am asking myself that too, probs gonna text her on one of her other plattforms. I'll inform u if u want when or if she even answers :) 


Please don't be dead, because I have already had 3 of my favorite Wattpad writers Die (LITERALLY)
          I don't want my Favorite one to die 


@Mysticalfood22 they're probably still active on their other socials that's mentioned in their bio


ik what you mean :( all of the best writers are moving on from wattpad 