
Hi, friends! 
          	I'm thinking of doing a HUGE re-write on Head Above Water and would love to get some feedback if anyone has thoughts and/or ideas they’d like to share? I wrote the story from beginning to end with no outlining and, looking back on it now, I feel I sort of those my way because of it. So, time for an overhaul! 
          	I’m thinking of getting rid of everything theater related. Gemma’s life is swimming, but I let her get too wrapped up in the excitement of the art. Along with this change, I’ll be removing supplemental characters that don’t add much to the story and I’d like to bring the underutilized, Hox, further into the limelight. I’m trying to also come up with a subplot in the vampire world to complicate things, but no ideas as to how to incorporate that yet.
          	If you have a few mins, would you mind letting me know your thoughts? In particular, what were your favorite and least favorite parts? Was there anything you were really hoping to see that didn't happen? Any ideas for ways to spice up the plot?
          	Thanks so much!


@PaperCraneGal definitely please do,  but please move mal and gemma scenes. There were no nearly enough, thanks. 


Thank you so much for all your recent votes on APK! I really appreciate it ☺️


Wow thank you so much! I really appreciate you sticking with the series throughout the years and I am glad to be back and uploading again, for people like yourself who still enjoy the story! That means so much to me, so honestly thank you 
            I hope that you’ll continue to enjoy the new Chapters as they come and that I will hear your opinions again in the future 
            Much love x 


@iluvdaisychain Definitely! They are well deserved! I realized suddenly that I hadn't voted on all the previous chapters, so I had to rectify the grievous error! I've followed APK for many years now and get SO ridiculously excited every time you post a new chapter. Please don't ever give up on it (or us)! We readers love the story and the characters and we're with you to the end, wherever you decide to take the story--or wherever the story itself decides to go, if the intuitive path is more your writing style. =) If I I had the money to finance an APK film or series myself or the network contacts to pitch to, I would have reached out ages ago. I wholeheartedly believe in your work!


Hi, friends! 
          I'm thinking of doing a HUGE re-write on Head Above Water and would love to get some feedback if anyone has thoughts and/or ideas they’d like to share? I wrote the story from beginning to end with no outlining and, looking back on it now, I feel I sort of those my way because of it. So, time for an overhaul! 
          I’m thinking of getting rid of everything theater related. Gemma’s life is swimming, but I let her get too wrapped up in the excitement of the art. Along with this change, I’ll be removing supplemental characters that don’t add much to the story and I’d like to bring the underutilized, Hox, further into the limelight. I’m trying to also come up with a subplot in the vampire world to complicate things, but no ideas as to how to incorporate that yet.
          If you have a few mins, would you mind letting me know your thoughts? In particular, what were your favorite and least favorite parts? Was there anything you were really hoping to see that didn't happen? Any ideas for ways to spice up the plot?
          Thanks so much!


@PaperCraneGal definitely please do,  but please move mal and gemma scenes. There were no nearly enough, thanks. 


Hello beautiful friends! It's been a while! I've just uploaded the first chapter in a new book and would love it if you all could take a peek! It's a short story fanfic, so the chapters will be brief, but updated regularly. If you like it, please comment/vote/share, as always. Thank you!


Hey, mind checking out my book and possibly vote as well? Thanks if you do :)


Hi @PinkReader01! So sorry for the delayed reply here. I recently bought and moved into a new home and everything has been rather chaotic. I will definitely check out your book!
            I actually just posted the first chapter to a new short/novella myself--would you mind taking a peek by chance and voting or sharing as well if you like it? Thanks very much! I look forward to reading your piece!


Guess what, my lovely fans...Head Above Water is done! I am uploading the final 3 chapters momentarily. In my eagerness to get it to you, I haven’t yet edited it, so please be lenient on me in that regard. I figured you’d all rather read it sooner with a few mistakes than without!


Oh I'm so excited and sad!!!