
Apparently my Soul eater oneshot book was removed due to violations?! Wtf


I'm so pissed of rn istg


Apparently my Soul eater oneshot book was removed due to violations?! Wtf


I'm so pissed of rn istg


Guys I wrote the cheesiest love song for the UT skelebros  
          If you guys want I MIGHT record myself playing it (no face reveal tho cause I'm ugly as hell)
          I also wrote one for Ink so let me know if you want to hear that one too. I plan on writing more cheesy love songs for other characters so stay tuned folks! 


Y'all I've been obsessing over sans so I might get back into writing. Hopefully I can stop procrastinating enough to get  done lol


Also apologies to those who have requested, I am seriously sorry that it's been so long and I haven't written your requests, I'll try to get back into writing. 


Hey, I know this seems random but I felt like Posting this to vent, I guess. Lately things have been really hard for me, and I’ve been struggling with suicidal thoughts and feelings. Thankfully I have really supportive friends and family, as well as a cute little hamster to hold when I feel down. Also, I feel really bad about not being able to get oneshots out sooner. I feel like I’m letting people down. I apologize to everyone who has requested on my books, hopefully I’ll get some motivation to write soon. Anyway, thanks for listening to my rant/vent, hope you all have a great day!


Hope u get better man


Hey, I apologize to everybody whose sent in requests. I know it's been a while and I still haven't finished writing those requests. Crappy mental health has been kicking my butt, and I've been absolutely exhausted. So again, sorry for not being able to get the requests out sooner, hopefully I can finish them soon, but I'm not quite sure when. Thank you all for being so patient with me, I really appreciate you guys(my followers) sticking around.