
I was excited for ONC and I still am... for the most part. 
          	But after seeing the warnings from others and then diving into the rules page (and seeing what other commenters are saying) I have to say I'm really disappointed in how they set it up. Especially since I'm one of those people who had only original glanced at the page and thought nothing more of my rights, only to learn if by some miracle I had entered and won I would lose all the rights I have to the story. While I might still be joining just because I want to get a story completed (and this timetable will help), it's disappointing to see Wattpad put a rule that will let them steal from the very people that they should be helping and creating a community with. 
          	For those entering, make sure you know what you are giving up if you do decide to join it in Feb. Make sure you know that Wattpad can claim your story once it's entered into the contest, and you are declared the winner.


I was excited for ONC and I still am... for the most part. 
          But after seeing the warnings from others and then diving into the rules page (and seeing what other commenters are saying) I have to say I'm really disappointed in how they set it up. Especially since I'm one of those people who had only original glanced at the page and thought nothing more of my rights, only to learn if by some miracle I had entered and won I would lose all the rights I have to the story. While I might still be joining just because I want to get a story completed (and this timetable will help), it's disappointing to see Wattpad put a rule that will let them steal from the very people that they should be helping and creating a community with. 
          For those entering, make sure you know what you are giving up if you do decide to join it in Feb. Make sure you know that Wattpad can claim your story once it's entered into the contest, and you are declared the winner.


Happy New Year to everyone and with a new year comes new goals! Which also include my own goals, so lets soo how this otherwise ungoaless author goes about completing them. And if you have goals, share them. I'd love to hear different goals and resolutions. 
          Psyco Resolutions: 
          1) Experiment with my Fan Fiction writing - I've by far haven't done all that I could and while there's plenty of improvement ahead of me, including editing (but who likes that) I think its time to do more experiments with fandoms. Leave me suggestions and lets see what wildness I can get up too. 
          2) Actually finish one rewrite-ing book - I've been saying this for years, have finally started on it, and then stopped after a month. But this year, I see a brighter feature where I actually complete one of the rewrites. For which book... now that's the mystery. 
          3) Connect more with readers/writers/commenters and fictions lovers - I'l never be good at this but I might as wel try to improve in it. 
          I believe that covers it. Ya'll have a good new year and I'll see you around.


For those who may have either "Human" or "Strange Creatures" in their library, my apologies for all the updates. I wanted to get book 2 out for each one, and the start of each of their book 3's. I'm hoping to have the rewrites further along soon, but the process is slow as I try to re-read and remember my goals for each one. 
          Happy Holidays and I'll see everyone soon!


Because I'll be gone most of this weekend and with a holiday coming up next week and me suddenly becoming busy, rewrites and new chapters for new stories will be a bit delayed. But never fear, for here's two new chapters to Lunar Kisses. 
          Will Renea be able to protect her brother from the vampires and werewolves that want to tear her family apart? And will she go back home, fixing the broken hearts she had otherwise left? 
          Follow Renea Black in chapter six "Cue the Rushed Renuion" as she becomes faced with tough decisions and as the Cullen's learn in chapter seven "Unseen Visions" that their fate is to return to a place only twenty years after they had left. Will things be different this time around? Or is Edward going to break a creaked family even further apart? 


Exciting news, I tell you! 
          "Please Love Me" was renamed into "Strange Creatures" which the second book "Why Can't You Love Me" will remain with its name as I work on combining the two. Strange Creatures cover was updated as well. I like it but I'm always in the search for amazing designers that I can come to. 
          The Preface as been rewritten, in a sense, and I have a video in works to show that. I'm working on adding me voice.... It'll take me a week. 
          Human has gotten a new cover! I like the old one better, but maybe this one will grow on me as I get use to it. The prologue has been turned into the first preface and slightly rewritten; chapter 1 and 2 have been rewritten; a new chapter will be added in the next few days (or week) to show the events that happen between chapter 2 and 3 before I continue working on it; a second preface as been added to show where the second book, Mortal, begins. With the future chapters coming up soon with a schedule. 
          Human first preface does have a video (no commentary... yay for me!) that shows the works that went into it. Until noted otherwise future videos with Human will be no commentary and hopefully just some relaxing music (come on YouTube just chill and give me what I want). 
          And I believe that covers all that has happened. I'll catch ya'll next time and remember to keep on swimming and believing in yourselves!


Hey my lovely followers and Wattpaders and welcome to PyscoLoveStory random notification. Besides considering giving this profile a overhaul of some type (from works, to book covers, and my about me area) I've came baring some news and would love to hear feedback! 
          For those who are familiar with any of my twilight works *Human* *Please Love Me* uhh, even I've forgotten what I've written (I really need to revise them anyways) as someone who is attempting/trying to build up their new(ish) and slightly (un)active YouTube channel I was considering starting a new fan fiction! 
          STARING - Bella Swan as well Bella Swan - Charlie Swan as Charlene Swan, Bella's other Biological Mother (whooole thing would be discussed in said story at some point) who she moves in with in Forks - Edward as well, Edward, ya no improvement there - Jacob Black as Jacalyn Black and remains as a love interest to Bella (no child imprinting should we there tho) - Mike Newton as (undecided name) Newton who is Bigender - and more to be said. 
          This fanfiction would be based on/around something I've seen a really cool and interesting AuthorTuber do and she really inspired me want/desire to do something of the sorts. And I'm mainly familiar with Twilight, so it's my victim. If you're curious check out Hannah Lee Kidder - Writer on YouTube and look for her Twilight Rewrite. (all?) Most credit would be given to her for the idea, and I would still need to find a way not to make it look like I'm stealing hers. So no knife crazed Bella for me. 
          So, please tell me, what do you think of a new fanfiction following Bella Swan as she moves to forks and meet the unappealing Edward Cullen and follows into the supernatural world. If you have ideas, suggestions, or the likes, I would love to hear from you! 
          As always stay lovely and I'll see you all later. Time to go figure out the mess I call my book collections.


Hey guys, for those who dont know the Open Novella Contest has started where users compete in rounds with the end goal of hitting between 20k - 40k words. I am planning to take part myself, though I haven't figured out what I should write just yet. 
          If you're taking part or know someone who is, let me know. I love being able to support other writers. 
          ONC information and prompts: