
[My trend of sporadic activity continues. Hey ho.]


Art thou alive?


@sirimiri- [Nope I'm dead.]


@ashleyarmin [I'm not open for combat RP at the moment I'm afraid. However, there are a few whom I know are if you wamt me to refer you.]


Sal'Eir stretched like a cat. She had been absent from the world for a long time, and felt the need to travel. Returning to the cairn where she normally sat, she found the area was subtly changed; it took her a minute to realise there had been something there, and was now gone. She wondered what it had been, but a thrumming in the air distracted her. Barely noticable - whatever it was, it was far away. She mused to herself, and eventually ended up following the faint traces of mana disturbance,  inevitably getting lost along the way until she found her bearings again.


She opened her eyes. The dimension had shook with the demise of a friend, but that was not what she was concerned about. That was some time ago. She now knew who she should wake. 
          Walking to a bed that was seemingly made of concrete, she cast her gaze over the petite woman in front of her. A three-drop pattern stood clear and silver against creamy skin, and Sal'Eir nodded to herself. This woman was next. 
          Beside the woman lay a sheathed katana, but Sal'Eir didn't attempt to touch it. Instead, she touched two fingers from her left hand to her head, then her chest, and made a twisted symbol, closing her eyes. She started to chant quietly, but there was no other noise here; no others beings were conscious. 
          [0] Awakening - Used to awaken those in a coma state, or in a similar version of stasis.


Her chanting nearing the end, she drew a symbol in the air, similar to a 'y' in the english language, and proceeded to draw other vague symbols around it. Her fingertips left a blue afterimage in the air, and the tips glowed themselves faintly. She touched these to the woman's forehead, the symbol flashing brightly and fading away at the same time. Eir Zeke's eyes snapped open, and she looked at the woman in front of her.
            "What do you want?" She asked, and Sal'Eir simply gestured at her. Eir sprang lightly onto the floor, orientating herself quickly. She picked up her sword, running her fingers over the sheathe lightly before strapping it on. 
            "Do you remember me?" Sal'Eir asked, and Eir nodded. Sal'Eir nodded in satisfaction. 
            [1] Awakening


Sal'Eir leapt down from the cairn lightly, and walked in front of Raine. The time had come.She offered a hand to the woman, and Raine gladly accepted it, being helped up.
          "Do you have any last things you want to do before we go?" Sal'Eir asked quietly. It was unusual for her to say so much.
          "No." Raine replied simply. Sal'Eir nodded, and took a deep breath.
          Her lips started moving silently, forming words of power. As she did this, she raised her left hand, drawing symbols with two fingers in the air. They left a faint white imprint after being completed, before she moved onto the next one. This continued for a short period of time, before Sal'Eir stopped forming words. She have a gentle pushing motion towards Raine, whispering, "Sleep."
          Raine collapsed silently. Some pills fell out of her pocket and rolled across the bumpy ground, and Sal'Eir picked them up. The sedatives Raine had asked for shortly after she woke. She searched her memories and once she found their purpose, she pocketed them in case someone had use of them in the future.
          She walked over to Raine, placing her right, clawed metal arm on her head. The veins of power running across it pulsated for a few seconds, and settled once again. Sal'Eir nodded. The memory extraction was complete, and Raine was now in a coma once again. She picked the woman up silently, throwing her over her right shoulder, and started walking.


Once she reached the sanctuary, she walked past all the beds where the others lay resting, laying Raine down on her own. The branches fit her form perfectly as Sal'Eir placed her, and she sat on the side of the cot. She wondered; if she had a place here as well, what would it look like? The beds were formed through moulding themselves to the denizen's experiences and memories. But Sal'Eirs...
            She shook her head, dispelling such thoughts, and stood up abruptly. She may be lacking in some areas, but that was no reason to get lost. She had made a decision when she found what had happened, and now she would stick to that decision.
            Moving on, she cast her gaze over those that still lay sleeping. She contemplated if she would need a companion, and decided to rest whilst making her judgement. It was useful having a translator, that was true. She sat down silently, making herself comfortable.


Sal'Eir followed the same path as she did last time, knowing the way instinctively. She let her mind wander as she walked, pondering recent events. Perhaps she would pay a visit to one who could observe recent events.
            Even as she thought, she would near the rift. Safe in the knowledge that no one could have followed or found her without her permission, she would step into the grey rift and into the dimension on the other side. She stopped, shifting Raine on her shoulder into a far more comfortable position, and turned to continue walking towards the space where she would lay her down, and bring out her next companion, quite possibly.


[Also, I am the laziest person in the world. If I can be bothered to make new concepts every time a character dies, then anyone can. Work on the assumption that every character will die. Please? It's so much easier, and godmodding is avoided in most cases.]


[When you start combat roleplay, know what you're getting into, folks.
          Basic Law:
          1. You may die. There is no such thing as permission.
          2. Not everything you do not understand is godmodding. Don't throw the term around like it's cool.
          3. Everyone has a different way of roleplaying.
          4. Ignoring something because you do not like it is not a valid way of winning an argument.
          5. Know when you are beaten. 
          Simplicity itself.It shouldn't be that you have to be an experienced roleplayer to figure this out.]


@Raelitha {AMEN SISTER.}