
if you are making shits and giggle jokes about what's happening in ukraine right now get off my page. jewish people and ukrainian people are going to die and you wanna make a wojak meme about it.


bruh dominic fike was hot before he stole my name okay? smdh. that man is so fine, y'all were just sleeping okay.


as you should girl boss.


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if you still support JK rowling I hope you know the harm you cause. Stop reading Harry potter. Stop streaming it. Stop fucking pirating it. She herself has said that you supporting her work, is supporting her bigotry. I don't care that you don't think it's fair to comply, stop reading, watching, and consuming a terf's work. There are so many better wizard books out there, by queer, trans, and BETTER authors.


@Bisexual_Baybie_ babes, jk rowling funds an entire organization set on ruining trans peoples chances to transition. this isn't about like or don't like. it's about human rights and the fact that some people decide that it's okay to disregard that. she has said herself SUPPORTING HER WORK IS SUPPORTING TRANSPHOBIA. STOP SUPPORTING HER WORK.


@WarmSensations I’ve never read Harry Potter but I’m assuming that people really like reading those books, and I really don’t mean to be rude but I don’t think that reading someone’s work has anything to do with what they like or don’t like. 


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if you have potterhead in your bio unfollow me. cunt.