(Waves back enthusiastically) Hi there!! Nice to meet you! ^_^
She did?! Oh gee. Um.
Thank you for the flattering compliments! I love Webtoon and read on the app daily, but I never considered making one myself... Hmm... Maybe someday? :3
Oh my, a commission??
...I'm really, really sorry, but I'm quite busy these days (which is why I'm on an unofficial hiatus) and actually have never done an online commission before. I don't want to burden you with an artist who hasn't figured out how to work a commission yet, so I'm afraid I'll have to turn down your (very polite and courteous) request.
Although I am not the best artist to go to for paid art, I am sure there are many more experienced artists out there who will be happy to draw for you. ^_^
Again, I'm so sorry to disappoint. But best of luck with your profile pic and banner endeavors!!!
(Bows back deeply.)