
Hello everyone! It's been a long time since I've updated everyone but a lot has been going on and I wanted to tell you that Loved by the pack and my mate trillogy will be getting completely re-written, edited, and rebranded. I am wanting these books to be better and over all just More. so please stay tuned as I start this process of rebuilding these characters, stories and publishing these books. I have missed you all and look forward to hearing from you all. That being said, I am going to need 3 volunteer readers who want a preview the first book as i re-write it. comment and let me know! 
          	Much love,


Hello everyone! It's been a long time since I've updated everyone but a lot has been going on and I wanted to tell you that Loved by the pack and my mate trillogy will be getting completely re-written, edited, and rebranded. I am wanting these books to be better and over all just More. so please stay tuned as I start this process of rebuilding these characters, stories and publishing these books. I have missed you all and look forward to hearing from you all. That being said, I am going to need 3 volunteer readers who want a preview the first book as i re-write it. comment and let me know! 
          Much love,


my dearest readers, I am so very sorry for not writing as i should have been. it means the world to me that you all are still reading my stories! I am going to do my best with writing as soon as  i can with two little girls to take care of! as a show of good faith i have posted 1-4 chapters of Lucifer's Angel! <3 Enjoy my lovlies!


Oh wow... I really need to take time and write! I am SO SORRY EVERYONE! My only excuse is being a mom is a full time job!  I promise to try and wrote some more this weekend. I'm just trying to figure out where I want these stories to go right now. Send me messages, give me ideas, tell me what you're looking for in the books it might help park my insperation! Heck just send a hi and I'll be happy to talk!


Hey everyone! Lucifer's Angel is Being Re-Written and I'm taking every minute of free time I have to work on it Properly! I want the Story to be longer and make more Sense! I am So deeply sorry for everyone waiting! I just recently Got someone to help me edit and help me with my writer's block! So Please! Keep reading! and Send me messages! I love to answer questions and talk to you all! But I am VERY pleased to say that Lucifer's angel is going great! And these chapters will be longer! I'll be updating soon guys! thanks for staying with me through this all!


Hey everyone! 
          Lucifer's angel is being written and worked on! The story will be changing slightly with it being added more to each chapter and I'm pleased that I've had time and inspiration to write and work with my book. I'm hopping to update every chapter plus at least two new chapters or one very long one by te 3rd of July! Keep reading everyone! I'm so blessed to have you all fallow and read my books!


Hello From Me! 
          I am so sorry for not posting aything as of late! I AM WRITING NOW in my spare time! But right now with a baby its kinda Crazy!!! lol! 
          Baby Riley Johannah 
          November 30th 2015 at 12:31 Pm 
          Weighing in at 7lbs 6oz and 20 Inches Long.
          I was induced 3 days late and was in Labor for 5 hrs. 
          Riley is now 2 Months! so its a lot more easier to be writing! <3 Much love! Look for the New Chapters to Blue moon Courting and Lucifer's angel!


hello my lovies!! 
          I am sooo sorry for not keeping you all updated and I wanted to tell you that I have been working on Lucifer's angel and Blue moon courting. but right now I am still very pregnant and going through labor at this minute. so please don't be too mad at me!