
Hello people who still look at my messages!
          	Long time no see, I know, life has managed to get the best of me for the most part. I’m still active in writing, I just have nothing I’m confident in posting, even drafts.
          	As always, I can’t keep all my ideas in check. I’ve tried to settle down with one at a time, but they pile up, and I lose track. I’m working on it!
          	Final note, Shadow Walker does have a lot of progress, it should be out in a few months once I feel confident. Expect errors and confusion, it’s my first actual story besides “If Only They Knew”, which was small and not very book-ish. I’m trying my best, I’m still a beginner and only wish I could project my ideas as vivid and amazing as they are in my head!
          	If you still follow me, thanks for sticking with me. I’ll try to make these periods of in and out time worth it!


Hello people who still look at my messages!
          Long time no see, I know, life has managed to get the best of me for the most part. I’m still active in writing, I just have nothing I’m confident in posting, even drafts.
          As always, I can’t keep all my ideas in check. I’ve tried to settle down with one at a time, but they pile up, and I lose track. I’m working on it!
          Final note, Shadow Walker does have a lot of progress, it should be out in a few months once I feel confident. Expect errors and confusion, it’s my first actual story besides “If Only They Knew”, which was small and not very book-ish. I’m trying my best, I’m still a beginner and only wish I could project my ideas as vivid and amazing as they are in my head!
          If you still follow me, thanks for sticking with me. I’ll try to make these periods of in and out time worth it!


It’s been a while since I posted an update like this, so I’ve decided I’ll make a small announcement and add detail in my Update book!
          So for a while now, I haven’t published content since July 2018 or so, and yeah, if you haven’t noticed, I get writer’s block a LOT, so I struggle to keep a story going. Then eventually I get stuck on another story and I’m all over the place because of that. My apologies for that, but I am planning on trying to fix that.
          Anyways, I’ve kind of ditched Astral Dimension for a while and started working on Shadow Walker, a story yet to be talked about or released. I have a TON of drafts in progress for it, and I’ll probably work to finish it (hopefully before 2020).
          If you want to know more, I’m about to post an update in my “Ideas, Events, and More - My Book of Updates”. If interested, feel free to check it out!
          Again, sorry for my lack of posting, just know I love you guys and I’m always trying to find a way to get something out there in time :)


Hey guys! If you follow me and have notifications enabled, you might have seen I made changes to “If Only They Knew”. I did a few edits to the grammar and spelling since I’m not the best at English and read over the story after being ages since looking at it. I probably have more edits to make since I’m not a full-fledged author. I hope to fix them if I catch them in the future. I only saw it because of feedback, which was really helpful and  delightful to read! Special thanks to @Dragonrat703 for all the amazing support on the story!!! I know I don’t write as often as I wish I could, and that the story isn’t very long, but seeing the comments and votes come in was an amazing sight and really boosted my confidence on story writing! Thank you again!
          To everyone, I’m currently working to finish a short story called “Astral Dimension” for Pride Month! I try to finish a part once a day, so it should be out before I leave for vacation at the end of June. Again, it’s a short story, so it won’t be very long, but I hope you’ll enjoy it!
          Speaking of vacation, yes, I will be out for two weeks in another state in the US. I will not be doing much writing during that time, but I always have something with me to keep notes of ideas that pop into my head (I daydream a lot, hehe). I’ll probably return with 20 more story ideas to add on to my 109 stories in progress. That proves how insane my mind is, and why I never can stick to finishing one story. When the time comes for each of them, maybe they will have their time to shine.
          You’ll probably hear from me when “Astral Dimension” comes out in about two weeks. Approximately June 28 is the date I’m aiming for to publish, maybe before that. Until then, I love you guys, and I hope to see you all later!


Hey there everyone! I decided since it’s been about 6 months since most of you have heard about me, I would post about what’s been happening with my books and such. I’ll try to keep it short & simple, for the sake of time.
          So basically, in recent months, my mind has gone insane with ideas. Randomly at home, in class, and at work, I get ideas for new books and new plots in developing books! At the moment, I have 89 books in the making. EIGHTY NINE BOOKS! I’m crazy, I know. I’ve done my best to get the ideas down in notes and in my phone to have them ready to go and add detail later. So there’s kind of the reason I’m not publishing many books; I have too many ideas and I don’t know where to start!
          That reminds me, I wanted to ask you guys what you want to see to help me out with these ideas. What are you, my followers, looking for in books? Fantasy? Paranormal? Fiction? Maybe even horror? (I only have one horror story in mind, hehe...) Anyways, if there’s any genre of story or kind of book you want to read, let me know! I want to finish what’s most desired first and get it out there while I work on the other stuff!
          One last little thing I wanted to throw in while I’m at it. I just wanna thank you guys for following me! I know I’m not an active poster or huge writer in the Wattpad community, so it means a lot to get followers on here! I really do appreciate it, it makes me want to keep writing! So thank you again to all of you for just pushing that follow button :)
          By the way...If Only They Knew has reached 100 reads!! Ahh! I screamed when I saw that! I know it happened a while ago, but I was so happy to see that triple digit number hit me! And 4 votes, wow! I know it’s a small number, but it’s huge for me! Thank you again guys :D
          Hopefully I will get a book out soon and see you guys later! ;)


Heyyyyy guys! Guess what? I just published my first story! About time, huh? I know I said I would publish more, but if you've seen my about section, I have a updated daily counter on what stories I have in progress, which I have published, and how many total there are! There's soooo many on my mind. It's hard picking which ones to do first when I get ideas for each every once in a while that I'm dying to add when I get time! If you have a recommendation for a story, like science fiction or fantasy first, let me know so I can get the most wanted stories out first!
               Oh, also, I went out on a long shot and entered my story into the 2017 Wattys, lol. Maybe I'll get a newcomer award, maybe I'll get nothing. Anyway, I'm happy trying this out!
               That's all I have, folks! Make sure to check out my story and tell me how it was and if you see any errors! Thanks for following me beforehand when I didn't have any stories for a year  I absolutely love the support!!!