
So....i did a thing in my lab and now im terrified to even step volunteered for cage wash, um, didn't even clean the cage because i was too busy trying to find a bucked to soak the guinea pig house in because a classmate told me thats what im supposed to do and apparently 10 minutes passes...teacher comes back, isn't pleased, said i could to it tomorrow(today) but i just remembered that I left the metal food thing in the bucket....because someone told me that it needs to soak
          	Yall. I hope this thing isnt rusted or anything. Immq just end it there


So....i did a thing in my lab and now im terrified to even step volunteered for cage wash, um, didn't even clean the cage because i was too busy trying to find a bucked to soak the guinea pig house in because a classmate told me thats what im supposed to do and apparently 10 minutes passes...teacher comes back, isn't pleased, said i could to it tomorrow(today) but i just remembered that I left the metal food thing in the bucket....because someone told me that it needs to soak
          Yall. I hope this thing isnt rusted or anything. Immq just end it there


Does anyone recommend any novel apps where I can choose from a variety of books and works offline?
          The whole thing doesn't need to work offline, I just wanna read some stuff in class and since i have an hour to kill on the way to and from school


            Um FreeBooksie I think


You know, instead of voting on stories here, I feel like Wattpad should have a 5-star rating would help me find out what's really worth my time instead of trying to do the math between votes and reads to figure out what's good and what's not.


            That would be smart. I usely stop if there is no “ or . (I don’t want to spell) that or when the author updated.


I feel ya. If only readers commented 


Ok yall....since i havent been on wattpad for like....2 years really(reading wise) plz suggest some books in the comments. Binge worthy plz, and well written.


@YoungandChildish I have some good reading lists too if you want some more stories to read