just who are you?

@umbraic .. why are you so intense with that question? i’m literally just sitting here with my coffee, mate.
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just who are you?
@umbraic .. why are you so intense with that question? i’m literally just sitting here with my coffee, mate.
can i borrow your whip?
i heard something about a boy ~
big pizza slice or small pizza slice?
that’s ‘cause out of the two of us, i’m the one who needs to hide their food from the other * he playfully nudged her side before sitting down by the table, pizza slice in hand * good – yeah. more vigilante paperwork to fill tomorrow – good thing those guys keep popping up
@gothamned anything that includes food is not fair to you, dad, * she remarks, chuckling even more & mumbles a thank you while she grabs at her desired dinner, * so, how was work?
* he cuts off once slice with a chuckle, pulling out a plate from the cabinet * don’t finish it, though – not fair
everything alright?
@thievry * whispering, her smile falters to both appreciative & sad, * i know. i don’t know how i’ve catnapped that.
* he laughs gently, smiling at her * funny. says you. * leo pauses, voice lowering for a moment: * i’m always here.
@thievry * she smiles, chinning up on his shoulder & hums, * no, but thank you — you’re beautiful tonight, by the way.
* one liner call .
uh oh,⠀you look like you got a big mouth.⠀heh.
@comptn geez, you’re like my dad. * the detective sighs, rolls her eyes & thinks to herself before offering, * want a coffee? it’s on my house.
@afterhovrs, damn,⠀well,⠀i don't even know what i want.⠀i like bothering people,⠀thats for sure.
it’s past midnight – where were you?
one am /is/ past midnight – * he folds his arms, raising an eyebrow briefly before he shook his head * library? didn’t know they open ‘til late
@gothamned its not past midnight, dad, it’s barely even .. one am... right? & even then, don’t stress. i was at the.. library! with sierra.
we don't get to hang out a lot so i brought food .
ding ding ding - we have a winner , * he set down the plastic bag of takeout , grinning to her * i got your favorites .
@RIPROBIN is it chinese ? my taste buds are practically numb to anything that isn’t a stake out cuisine .
/ one liner call.
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