
we are going to begin a trend.
          	 #freebustybella2016          to get me out of the little car :))


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Everyone stop what you are doing and please read this!!! I was in school today and everyone is talking about this girl who had sex with her boyfriend and are calling her a slut. She literally called home and got checked out during 3rd period. She was in tears. Y'all the word "slut" is a word made by society for slander and sexuality. A girl should not be put down because of that. If you are a guy and you shame or look down upon a girl at your school because she is supposedly a slut then honestly you need to get some help. One mistake like that shouldn't throw away your whole reputation. That shit gets under my skin!!! I go through that on a day to day basis and I know it hurts. We need to honestly need to stop this❤︎ #stopslutshaming I am gonna preach this until the day I die.


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Obviously I changed my style up on my page. Well...I came to realize something. I'm sad and honestly my sadness is never gonna any better for me if I keep forcing myself to be happy. 
            Shit. I know I'm unhappy. My reasons for being unhappy might seem petty or stupid to you but honestly who the hell cares what you think! You don't know how much my insecurities, my choices, and my constant battles of a cutting addiction hurts me. 
            Y'all make me feel emotionally damaged and overdramatic. Well I have 2 words that can be expressed by 1 finger. Honestly me accepting my sadness is making me feel better.
            I came to this conclusion by listening to the album "That's the Spirit" by Bring Me the Horizon. Hahaha thx Oliver


Ew it's back to school time and idk about y'all but I just became a freshman and soooooo far school sucks ass lmao. Boys are tryna get in your pants and mess with your feelings, the classes are long and boring af, and you have loooonnngg school hours! BELIEVE ME IK SCHOOL SUCKS!!! 
            I just wanted y'all to know that it's okay to struggle. It's sadly a part of life that we have to deal with. I literally battle my parents all the time. I hope they never see this because I HATE admitting that I am wrong but, I battle them so much because I am so stubborn and childish and it makes me think that I know everything and everybody. The truth is...I don't. I'm a fool and I made too may mistakes but some are hard to conquer. I just have to learn how to get pass the past. I f I can do that...then...high school and life will be soooo much easier. I wish y'all luck this year!!!!!!!!!!!


This week has been nothing but exams but tomorrow is the last day and I am so excited because I finally have time for my friends and my boy☺︎ I need to spend as much time with them as possible because I'm gonna be out of town a lot this summer! I'm gonna miss my babies!!!!