          	Guys, I did it. 
          	I finally wrote something. 
          	But don't worry, it's not at all an update on any of the books you've asked me to update. Yeah, I know. Phew. 
          	No, but in all seriousness, I am trash and I'm sorry I'm lousy at continuing stories, but I'm quite fond of this one, so if you wanna check it out... ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


@deviltown if you're trash i am microbe


this message may be offensive
Ahhh. I literally love every story you've posted but you haven't finished any of those, and I read the summary, was shook, teared up a bit, and now I'm debating whether I want to read it. Bc there is only so much on going stories in hiatus I can take. 
          	  ^^ this text sounds mean and asshole-y. You have no obligation to finish your stories, I'm sorry if I offended you. they're great, you're great. Please never stop writing (if you want to keep writing, ofc)


Hey. I just wanted to write to you and say that your writing is amazing. It captures what it means to be human. The dialogue is exquisite. I love the way that you paint the perspective of your main character while still showing details of each character's reactions that allow us to see that the protagonist isn't always right. I just love reading what you write. 
          So, I decided to actually send you fan mail. Sue me. There's other stuff too, but that has to be my favorite. You have a real talent.


@BoylesAnts it makes me feel alive 