
New series Descending Tyranny has been released. This follows the fifth generation of the Zifon family, Tsai Fenghuang (pronounced Zai-fen Huang), or the Firewood Phoenix. Who will be known eventually as one of the worst tyrants to walk the earth in history 
          	Do check out City of fog, following Maystio/Moriarty Zifon, the eighth generation of the family 


New series Descending Tyranny has been released. This follows the fifth generation of the Zifon family, Tsai Fenghuang (pronounced Zai-fen Huang), or the Firewood Phoenix. Who will be known eventually as one of the worst tyrants to walk the earth in history 
          Do check out City of fog, following Maystio/Moriarty Zifon, the eighth generation of the family 


The second chapter for City of Fog is now up, might focus between this and Last Fleet to Command for a bit


Don’t worry that will be the next thing I’m focusing on 


@ dunnowhatisurname  Please update Last Fleet to Command, i will always waiting for new chapter