
forgot I had wattpad for a sec- IT'S MY BIRFDAY TODAY BTW <3


hey guyz! I'm very z0rry but I w0n't be able t0 update any b00kz like I uzed t00.
          thiz iz pretty imp0rtant and I need y0u all t0 kn0w.
          I've recently figured 0ut that I might have breazt cancer. I tried telling my m0m ab0ut it a few dayz ag0 but zhe hazn't azked the d0ct0r f0r an app0intment. until then, updatez are g0nna be very zlow.
          I'm z0 z0rry, I h0pe t0 get back t0 a n0rmal upl0ading zchedule z00n.
          I h0pe y0u all can underztand!
          ztay zafe every0ne
          ily all <3


@Chat1111 well- I guezz? I mean I juzt feel like zhit like uzual, but 0ther than that I'm pretty 0kay- I d0n't ab0ut phyzically th0ugh, but it'z fine sjfgskd


@ebay_quackity are you okay?????????