
Hello! setfree has been updated in the first time since forever, so take a read if you want :) 


Thank you! It felt kinda weird posting something on here after so long, but it was worth it for comments like yours :)


It feels strange to think that on the fifth of September I will have been on this site for five years. When I started I was 13 years old and now I'm 18 and I'm going to go off to university in October, and looking back at things like this just feels strange and sometimes overwhelming.
          Anyway, I think I might begin to edit 'Sincerely, Red' or add a bonus chapter or write something for 'set free' or start editing 'Junk Mail' in celebration.


@SharonHonyumptewa Thank you! It's been wonderful getting to know you and having you shape my characters and myself to such an extent. University seems kind of daunting but also relaly exciting, so I can't wait but I also don't want to get there just yet. I'll try to eat healthy and do exercise too I suppose.


@etherealinsanity I has been so interesting watching you literally grow up on Wattpad. I've watched your art and writing progress so much. I wish you the best during your college years. Watch out for the freshman fifteen!