
you guys........




You guys!!!! I've finished posting my pre-written stories for the Harry Potter Oneshots book! If you have anything to request, please look at the Info page in the book, it will be the very first chapter. In that you can scroll down to the requests and how to request and what I accept and all that, and please follow that. I will occasionally keep adding to that book, regardless of requests or not, so it's not completely over yet. :)
          Love you guys so much!


Hello! From the other side!
          I just finished your book Unwanted Wedlock and I just came here to drop a ♡ hoping it will show you how I liked your story. Did I say like? Sorry I meant LOVE your story. 
          '+.,         ,.+'     know that you did an amazing work 
              "'+.,.+'"     and you're a talented writer! I hope I  
                           See more of your work! I liked your     
                    personality and I'm a huge fan of a strong female lead stories too! I wish you all happiness and success. 
          Have a splendid day or night! Wherever you are!


@mastermind_jay never gonna complain about being stuck with a wattpader ;) definitely looking forward to this friendship with you!!


@foreversecret7 OMG I'm so excited already!!!! I'm sure it'll be awesome! Can't wait! ♡ and of course we'll stay in touch you're stuck with this wattpad girl now ;) 
            What you said sounds cool looking forward to it too!


@mastermind_jay you're right, saying sorry, while I would appreciate it, wouldn't be as special to me as you saying you'd be happy to read my work. 
            I think we could be great Wattpad pals too! 
            I looked at your bio and saw that you like action/thriller books with romance and a little spice and all that and I'm excited to let you know that I have written a story like that. It was from maybe two months ago or so but I have written that story and I had the intention of starting to post its chapters on Wattpad sometime next year or something and that's why I didn't even write it in my bio, under coming soon, till yesterday when I saw your bio and interests for the first time. I'm excited to let you know that you've given me that little nudge to post it much sooner. I'm looking to start posting it sometime in October itself, once I refine it a bit and I hope you're just as excited as me! That was actually the first thriller/action story I attempted to write and it's going to be next! 
            Hope we can stay in touch; reading, commenting, maybe small convos here and there, looking forward to this! 


My new book 'Harry Potter Oneshots' is out!! Hope you enjoy!! 
          I will be posting a new one shot every day for the next month, thank you to all those readers who are reading my work! Love you ❤️
          PS: Please read the Info page, it's very important.


So I'm planning on posting the Harry Potter one shots I have secretly written over time. The problem is that for all those one shots, I had to make an Original Character (an OC), making them x reader at that time was out of question because I couldn't risk the consequences if someone saw me write romance things about a character and ME (because they would've never known I'e wanted to post on Wattpad), therefore leading me to having OC characters. 
          I've made so many, like about 30+, and they're all pretty long so I doubt I can make them into an x reader fashion by rewriting it in a First Person POV. If I rewrite it, it will be a very slow process and updates will be very rare given the other work I have throughout the day so I want your opinion.
          Do you think I should just post them the way they are with OC characters and whoever reads them, reads them? Or do you think I should rewrite all of them?
          My plan is that I can post the [OC] ones that I have right now and then maybe make a new book with X reader one shots that I will post in that, because frankly, rewriting all those one shots (and some of them are like 12 pages+) will end with things going very very slow with how often I update. So this is also an option. So tell me: 
          Post to OC ones? 
          Change the current OC ones to x reader one shots? 
          Or post the OC ones and start an entire new book for X reader one shots? 
          I'd also like to know why you chose a particular option just so I can gain some perspective. Thanks guys, love you.


@foreversecret7 hey !!! 
            In my opinion  post the the OC once and start an entire new book for x reader one shots. 