
audrey is NOT doing okay with the passing of liam payne


i feel like every henry danger fanfic main character is either secretly drex’s daughter or their superhero name is ‘danger girl’ or ‘girl danger’ like come on now let’s spice it up a bit  


@gwldxns  I agree! It's like everyone does the same story over and over again. Just a different character and background. But, it's cool. Still like to read them.


@gwldxns was it revealed in Hour of Power bc i reread it and i don't think it was mentioned, correct me if i'm wrong 


@gwldxns my memory is trash idk T-T


hi my loves, the chapter for his superhero and all for us may be a bit late from some family/home complications. im also balancing school as a sophomore (sigh, im young. i am well aware), and i really need to keep my grades up. sorry for the very weird uploading schedule:( 


take your time bby <3 we'll patiently wait for u. Go take time for yourself and y'know, sort out any problems you have 


Hi, sorry for bugging you. I just wanted to let you know that I had a random (but I think cool) idea for your Henry Danger book.
          If you do the musical episode, if Audrey sings her own song, what if people find out that instead of singing a pop genre kind of thing because of her live for One Direction, they find out that she can rap like HELL.