
Hello darling. I hope you'll be okay! I'm here for you! I sent the message to the followers and I will keep up with the account while you're gone. Love ya. <3


Vickie!!!!! Please get this message. My phone is taken away. I'm crying so hard. I NEED you to keep up with the account. Go on everday. POST OFTEN and make sure we don't lose any followers. Please make a post as soon as you get this and tell them this EXACTLY : "My babies... Words can't express what you mean to me. You have taken away my tears and dulled the pain. You have mended my heart and I will be forever grateful. I'm going to be gone for a little while. I don't know how long I'll be away, but know that I fought for you. I fought with them to let me stay, but I'm tired now. Too tired to push forward. Remember how beautiful you are. You are all special and flawless. I love you more than words can express. You give me hope, and this account has been an absolute joy to be a part of. I'm shaking right now thinking of not being with you everyday. Don't leave me. I'll be back. Just stay strong until I return. Remember how much I adore you. You are my loves and you have my heart. See you soon darlings. xx ~Geli" 


Hey girl! i noticed you like the same books as i do. Yes i like to creep around wattpad aywho. I love meeting more directioners and you give really great feedback to people i would love if you read my book even though its not fanfic and give me genuine feedback!  I love your taste and am gonn read your reading list! oh and you love music and seem like a totally cool girl! xx keep in touch