


hi, I was just wondering…. how is it possible to be both queer and christian? I mean, I am, I just don’t rly understand how. could you explain? thx


@nikkyblue_28 okay love, but one last thing, ik it's all conflicting but don't let it turn you away from God. you're not the first or only queer Christian, and even if it were wrong even according to scripture it doesn't mean God loves you any less and it's not really something you can help, so focus on living your faith in all other ways. don't let it take you away from you faith. it's hard but you can be who you are and have a faith. 


no, it’s okay. thanks for your help.


@nikkyblue_28 would you like to talk some more? my dms are open, I'm more than willing to talk. ik it's very confusing. but I will say, in my own opinion the sacredness of sex should be kept, but ik in the catholic church you can get blessings for same sex unions. the sacredness of sex should be kept and that's what I mean by protecting your morality. but there's a lot to go through in a discussion like this so I'm more than happy to help if I can


is it just me that doesn't think Christianity and catholicism is actually respected? like ik a lot of religions aren't, but that's mostly by bigoted assholes. but Christianity/catholicism gets disrespected by the people who preach respect for religions! like it's so stupid. like I actually know people like this, I'll use one as an example, he would never ever disrespect someone who's Muslim, Jewish, etc. but he gives my grandma crap for her Christian faith and he's made comments to me bc I'm catholic. and I'm actually scared to invite him to graduation party bc there's gonna be a lot of Christians and catholics there and ik how he is. I'm really just sick of it, I wish we as a society could actually just share our faiths with each other, not to convert each other but just to learn, without judgment. I wish we could just let others live and show ACTUAL respect and love towards everyone. 
          maybe this is a sign I should be a therapist, to help people grow beyond bigotry and hatred. 


@DaddysKinkyBoi I mean I get it bc like I'm catholic and we're supposed to preach the gospel and whatever, but there's a difference in being pushy and forcing my beliefs on someone and simply sharing the word of God. yes I've tried to lead some people to God but only those you have come to me about it first. I'd much rather be spreading respect, and love, just letting others live and all I want is the same in return. 


@marauders2006 there's so much fight within religions (especially with the converting the other ones), it's crazy. in my opinion they should respect each other EVEN MORE because of their beliefs ?? like can't you bond over that or smth, even if theyre different 


so I'm kinda known as a harry Potter fan, so I just wanna make it clear that I don't support Rowling, I'm sorry but I will not give up harry Potter, I won't. but I do not support Rowling, I think she's a brilliant author but she's also rude, bigoted and transphobic. so I don't support her but I will be a harry Potter super fan until my dying breath. 
          I'm kinda hoping that new show will get canceled tho, fingers crossed 


@an_idiot_173 I'm thankful that most hp fans refuse to give it up just bc Rowling is the way she is. the hp world needs to continue on for generations bc it's already helped so many people through their childhoods, it needs to continue 


            YES! I agree wholeheartedly, I think it's really stupid that people will stop watching or reading something just because of the creator!


in this age of constant remakes, can we all make a pact to remember the originals and pass them on to the next generation? remakes are fine but like dude, but if someone in 20 years says they're a harry potter fan but says they've never seen or even heard of the movies I will throw myself in front of a bus 


@chmpgnlvrs I'm solely relying on the fact that any true fan knows everything about what they're a fan of, so theoretically they should know the books, movies and the show when it comes out. that's the only thing keeping me from a mental breakdown. 


I'm gonna make a Christian post, I'll always warn when I do bc I don't want anyone to feel as though I'm forcing my beliefs cuz I hate people who force their beliefs, so anyway if you don't wanna read that's fine! 
          it's so weird to me that people who are "Christian" don't believe that demons exist, maybe not like actual yk creepy looking demons, but like spiritual warfare, the devil working against you. and ofc we all have demons, just not the biblical term. but I mean like how do you claim to be Christian but when something bad happens or you're struggling really hard, you blame God instead of Satan. 
          also "Christians" who are so..  bigoted. like homophobic, racist, sexist, etc "Christians". like how are you gonna sit there and hate like that when God has shown you how you're supposed to love. judgment is supposed to be based only on knowledge, certainty. "judge just judgment" meaning that you cannot pass judgment on something you don't know for certain, and even so it gives you no right to hate, you can hate what someone does but hating them would be a sin, for example I'm certain that a member of my family is racist, sexist and narcissistic, but I don't hate them, I just can't stand for their actions. idk, a Christian who doesn't wholeheartedly love doesn't make sense to me. 


my dad @ the last paragraph smh


I'll never be the girl who someone thinks about when they hear a certain song, at least not for the right reasons, and I'll never be the meaning of the lyrics to anyone. I'll forever be the girl who hears songs and thinks of others, who expresses her love for people through the words of songs. but I'll never be anyone else's song, not like I once was anyway, It'll never be like the one time I was that special to someone. 


@lqdiesfrst- she is the sunlight - trading yesterday <3


            Just the way you are — Bruno Mars <3 




@ruby__bear actually yes I do, it took me a second but yes I do