
Hiii still on a break! But I realized that I didn’t get to cross-post The Love After bonus parts here so I’ll do that in the next few weeks!
          	Enjoy D-Day final day 3 today *manifesting taejoon appearance* 


Istggg y'all are praising iwyts so much that I want to start it rn lol
          But I'm greedy and can't wait for updates, have to read it altogether 


Do you have any recommendations with some good smut 


@deestanfield I actually have read all of her books except her ongoing one and I swear they are pure gold 
            But my personal favs were please love me and the love after 
            No actually I love all of them hehe


It’s so good!! Do you have any recommendations??


this update had me in near tears, your were able to capture the characters emotions so beautifully. it was heart wrenching to see __ and jungkook go through that and on top of that what  mr. ri went through and told jungkook and hoeseok, oh my god. i want you to stay is certainly a masterpiece, it’s my roman empire istg it’s all i can ever think about. you’ve done so incredibly well with it so far, can’t wait for the next chapters. hope you have a great day !!


I got SO excited when I saw the notification for IWYTS. And I just finished reading all new chapters & it’s soooooo good! The plot is getting so good! It makes me so anxious for the next! I can’t wait! You’re an amazing writer!!! ❤️❤️❤️