
✪ ||  the fck azz bob they gave seb in thunderbolts just pissed me off so bad I'm gonna be active out of spite . 
          	also seb got a golden globe YAY !!! yippee !! I see this as a panko win


          	  As in, the one played by Danny Ramirez


          	  Off-topic, but I'm so excited about Falcon being in Brave New World


✪ ||  the fck azz bob they gave seb in thunderbolts just pissed me off so bad I'm gonna be active out of spite . 
          also seb got a golden globe YAY !!! yippee !! I see this as a panko win


            As in, the one played by Danny Ramirez


            Off-topic, but I'm so excited about Falcon being in Brave New World


I vomited on the girl next to me.  


@ONCECAPTAINS   || James' small lopsided grin only grew with her reluctant yielding. In that moment, someone could've counted all the 32 teeth in his mouth without much effort spared. "this pop perfume is workin' for me. " a lie but he did so in earnest just like everything else he had done that night. " I'll get'cha one after one more ride." he shoved his soiled handkerchief in his pocket, his fingers feeling for the last remnants of his paycheck. He counted based on the feel of the coins to mentally ensure they hadn't spent their train fare. The last time they got on a roll like this they had spent their remaining money on some hotdogs, as much as he'd love to relive that night he could tell his friend wasn't up for any more adventures. His eyes scanned the crowd and more importantly the nearby attractions. 
            Typical for him that the biggest one caught his eye. " How about the Ferris wheel? ... unless you're chicken. " He smirked, nudging her shoulder with his. Out of the two of them, arguably, James was the one fond of heights. He liked the feeling of all that wind in his hair, the idea that he was weightless, and the view of the city. He couldn't think of a better way to cap off the night, than one last hurrah to feel the life inside his veins. " Say what you want but I always get my way when I whine. So how bout it? "


@misarmd      ╱  ⠀         ❛   I BASICALLY VOMITED MY GUTS OUT⸺   WHY WOULD I N͟O͟T͟  BE CRABBY?   WE SHOULD GET SOME NEW SHIRTS     (  …  )    OKAY,   OKAY,   ONLY BECAUSE WE DON’T DO THIS OFTEN.   LEAD THE WAY,   STREET CAT.    ❜            she caves,  like always.   james’ is a horrible influence    (ish)       &&.        she admires him too much to say no.     besides,   being away from home is a nice distraction.    there’s still a foreboding sense of dread when she’s away from her mother for too long.    (   …   )    there’s a certain warmth that lingers in nokwiski’s chest at the constant attention she gets from bucky.   he frets like a mother hen.    her friend looks lighter?   happy.   like there’s no worries holding him back.   it makes her heart skip a beat⸻   they’re living   (!)    like t͟e͟e͟n͟s͟.    plus,   it was a nice night,   bucky made it even better.   sounds of laughter      &&.      exhilarated teens fill the summer night with mirth.    this,   would be a core memory for the two of them.         james’ shirt is still soaked with the saccharine smell of cola,  stained with that familiar brown of the carbonated drink.   in return,  she cleans him off her own handkerchief.     (   he’s always looking out for others,   but who looks out for him?   )              ❛   YOU SHOULDN’T WHINE BY THE WAY,   YOU’RE TOO OLD FOR THAT⸺   WHAT RIDE ARE WE GOING ON?   SOMETHING CALM?   PRETTY PLEASE.      ❜          


@ONCECAPTAINS  ||  “ boy , you sure are crabby , “ he scoffed , surprised , as if anything in the night had gone well thus far . aside from the minor twang on his head james was having a great time . he always managed to when they went out . for a few hours there was no work , no chores , no whining sisters and he had to make the most of that every chance he got . being out with his friend felt like being himself and not the watered down version everyone else got. he was able to put on a separate skin , be perceived as someone he wasn’t , someone that conformed . it felt nice sometimes .
            one unfortunate side effect of his good time was that it usually came at the expense of nowiski . “ relax ! between your sad puppy eyes and my smooth talking they weren’t gonna do a thing but feel sorry for ya’. “ he never stopped his petting although by now his handkerchief was done for sure . “ come on ! one more ride ! pleeeease ! ! i’ll win you a prize if you do . give this street cat another chance . “


said i was fine ,  soldier .
          this isn't an invitation for a social call .


            i do / not / pout .  
            *  natalya was defensive ,  as per usual in times of / actual / vulnerability .  she was nursing injuries ,  ones that left the super spy woefully out of commission --  another thing she hated .  the few who came to visit would find no answer from her ,  even through burner phone .  it was excruciating .  *
            . . .  how did you find me ?


@widcwbites  || 
            " Your fine and my fine has historically been unaligned. Stop pouting. I know you don't need my help but that won't stop me from giving it. "


“i brought some gifts. i have something for you and something for alpine.”
          // long time, no see, stranger!


“oh, wipe that smirk off your face, james,” she replied with a playful roll of her eyes before holding the boxes out to the male, “i saw them while i was out shopping and i just thought they would be perfect for the both of you.” she had to try her best not to start laughing at the end of that sentence, but she kept it together. she just couldn’t wait to see his reaction to the matching sweaters she had gotten for him and alpine. and to make it to where he wasn’t *too* mad at her, she even included some homemade cookies. she was at least a *little* thoughtful.


@cursedwithrage || 
            James raised an eyebrow, a subtle smirk growing on his face, " My birthday isn't till next year Kara. Is it my lucky day?"


Aughh.   Smokin’ that is going to kill you one day,  unali   (friend).    


@ONCECAPTAINS      ||  james rolled his eyes, allowing them to linger at the muggy night sky above them. what were his dreams worth when put up against the dreams of millions? it was a question bucky had wrestled with since this damn war started. he concluded that dreams weren't worth dying for but something HAD to be.  those millions had to be. if not, what were they fighting for? what would he die for?
            were his dreams worth surviving for? he didn't know a veteran who got a good night's sleep. there was a high probability that there wouldn't be any dreams left. 
            " long as I don't leave behind any ankle biters there's no use whining about it." the young man blinked, the first time he had since he took up this form of physical protest to her poking. she never knew how to let sleeping dogs lie. made sense why bucky was her only friend. he was more than content to be poked for the rest of his life however long that life would be. love is tolerance he guessed. 
            at her demand he rolled his eyes right back down to her, an unimpressed expression couldn't physically be pulled in any other direction. " definitely going to need more booze -- you look VERY distinctly different. " he smiled again. still, it didn't make it to his eyes. " few weeks," he shrugged it off, " definitely before hannukah. " bucky's eyes drifted to his ( stolen ) cigarettes and he exhaled sharply, " I'll be sure to warn them. " basic training for the holidays didn't make the sting any better. " I guess you could write me. time's runnin' out on me finding the gal of my dreams before the military grabs me. "


            ⁰⁰¹    @misarmd      ╱╱       
            ❪ID❫ ⸺ JAMES BARNES.
            ◜   ⍟    ¹      ʷʰⁱᶜʰ ᵃᵐᵉʳⁱᶜᵃ ᵈᵒ ⁱ ʳᵉᵖʳᵉˢᵉⁿᵗ         F͟I͟R͟S͟T͟ ͟A͟N͟D͟ ͟F͟O͟R͟E͟M͟O͟S͟T͟  ,   Nokwiski was hard to deter.  Everyone knew that,  especially Bucky.  The outburst only brings her closer,  face to face with a soon to be “Sergeant Barnes”.   She looks him in the eyes,  waiting for him to eventually crack    &     break⸺   They’re both stubborn,       &        two can play the game.     She should speak right now,  maybe even humor him and chuckle at his whining.   But she doesn’t.  She doesn’t have any plans of entertaining this nonsensical diversion.    Her palm settles against Bucky’s chest,  pushing slightly.  It was an attempt of redirecting his attention back to her.
            ❛    James Barnes,  you’re a bad liar.   You had a plan for yourself, an actual future and⸺   well now look at the mess you’re in.   Still cracking jokes about what ‘n who you’re trying to romance.     You’re no better than those broads either,  consider yourself one!     ❜       SHE STINGS AND SOOTHES ALL AT ONCE⸺       HER PALM LEAVES THE SIDE OF HIS CHEST,  SETTLING ON BUCKY’S SHOULDER.  She squeezes softly,  a half—hearted smile appears on her expression.   She fetches the cigarette packet that peers out of his pocket,  claiming it fit her own momentarily.     ❛    Can you at least look at me when we’re taking?   Pretend I’m a cigarette or a pretty lady.    .   .    When are you leaving?   Did you figure out yet?  Y’know I’d watch over your family for you.    ❜


@ONCECAPTAINS      || "'m not scared!" he shot back, the outburst uncharacteristically sharp for someone as perpetually level-headed as him. Normally it felt good to be known so well. lately, it felt as though most only knew one version of him. one he unfortunately perpetuated but a version nonetheless. His father was ecstatic, telling everyone the son he raised had finally enlisted. that James was going to fight on his behalf now that his disability rendered him useless to the army. There was nothing he wanted more than to see his son in the uniform he wore, it was a desire he never failed to mention as long as Bucky could remember. If he had told his father he was drafted and not enlisted ... the disappointment might have him disowned
            With his father walking around screaming from the rooftops about how he's going to serve the country all his younger sisters hear is how their brother chose America over them. No one knew the truth, no one but Nokwiski, which didn't bother him but he didn't want her to see the severity of the situation either.
            "there's no women on the front lines," Bucky whined, throwing his head back and exhaling a dramatic sigh. he almost wished she hadn't followed him out here so he could have smoked his cigarette. / almost /. he'd never wish it for real. wasting this time misdirecting did take away from him sitting here and figuring out how his sisters would manage without him. As long as Nokwiski left the conversation not worried about him it'd be worth it. Maybe his father would marry that catholic seamstress who obviously fancied him. The girls liked her ... bucky didn't. She was everything his mother wasn't. All that work getting Della to understand Hanukkah down the drain. " the war is makin' all the broads fast and I'm leaving right as the gettin' is good. Maybe it's for the best, the one yesterday said twins ran in her family and girls run in mine. 'm not ready to be on the hook yet. I jus' want someone pretty to write."


WHAT,  you’re scared to punch a girl?!   Go ahead ‘n do it!!   You promised me you’ll teach me how to fight. 


            ⁰⁰¹    @misarmd      ╱╱       
            ❪ID❫ ⸺ JAMES BARNES.
            ◜  ʷʰⁱᶜʰ ᵃᵐᵉʳⁱᶜᵃ ᵈᵒ ⁱ ʳᵉᵖʳᵉˢᵉⁿᵗ   ⍟   SHE’S NOT AMUSED IN THE LEAST.      james’ is good at faking,  or rather pretending everything is okay.  but when she   (sees)   through her dear friend,  there’s a momentous weight that tilts the weight of his world everyday.   his attempts of lighting the mood works just a bit,  causing her to crack a small little smile.  she’s only somewhat listening to james’ ramblings, still lost in her own thoughts.   〞    O͟W͟.͟ ͟   〞  it’s all she needs to really kick into gear      &&.       help james out.    reaching out to cradle his ribs,  a feeble attempt of comfort,  sure.   but it’s the thought that counts.   REST OF THE WALK IS SILENT.  om the horizon,  the familiar sight of home settles the accumulation of stress,  anxiety,      &&.       dread that causes her stomach to lurch.      MUCH TO JAMES’ DELIGHT,   THE SMALL ROOM HOUSES THE COMFORTING SMELL OF HER MOTHERS COOKING.     nulkilk’s mother is already fussing about the odd duo,  concerned about their arrival and the state of bucky.    in return,  they trade spots⸺     ahnah attending to any tender bruises while nulkilk fixes up a plate.        she comes back in record time,  settling besides james’ with a stern look.     (is she mad?   or is she just upset?)     ◞
            ⠀    ⠀     ⠀  ₍ ₁ ₎            ❛   IF YOU HAVE MY BACK,  I HAVE YOURS.   ALWAYS.  I JUST WISH YOU UNDERSTOOD THAT IT GOES BOTH WAYS,   I KNOW YOU CAN TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF ‘N EVERYTHING.   I’M JUST JOINING IN TO HELP.   NOW,   WE TAKE CARE OF EACH OTHER.   (.   .   .)     EAT UP.      ❜             her request falls quiet on the register,   there’s a softening in her gaze that makes her concern all the more palpable.   she opts to feed  james herself,  dotting on him once more.  only if he accepts,   of course.   hopefully,  he stays the night.    


@ONCECAPTAINS      ||  " don't worry, I got your back, " bucky reassured, far too immersed in monitoring their surroundings than he was in her know-it-all-isms. all the passing glances the pair received was returned tenfold, if it wasn't for this damn limp they wouldn't even DARE to look their way. He had to straighten it out.  " don't forget, you're talking to the reigning champ!" bucky teased, flexing his arms as they walked and lightening the mood of the darkened alley. just a few more fights and he'd have enough money saved for his absence. nokwiski would be all gracious about it so he intentionally didn't tell her what he was putting aside for her. she'd just give it all back to his sisters -- three girls that had NO business making any financial decisions. nah, he had to give it to her mother with a couple of written letters. 
            he was strong enough to protect all of them and every night he put that to the test.  no matter how far away he was he still would find a way to. " hope your ma made that stew again tonight. nothing like getting nursed back to health after eating stew. makes me a really good patient. " he laughed a little too hard and instantly grabbed his ribs, " ow. " he knew nokwiski was right about most things she got onto him about the the timing of this point being proven was really poor. " how am I supposed to get onto you in these conditions?"


⠀    ⠀     ⠀ ⠀    ⠀     ⠀         ⠀    ⠀     ⠀ ⠀                               
                       THE FIRST THING SHE NOTICES IS THE SUBTLE LIMP HE WALKS WITH,   it’s clear as day.  At least to Nokwiski,  ever observant.   The fight from today must’ve taken more of him than she originally thought.     His knuckles are reddened,  sure to bruise by tomorrow.   If she was right,  there had to be a few more bruises that weren’t exactly visible.   It’ll all be taken care of in due time  (only if James wanted to cooperate tonight).    He was still moving notably fast for a battered man.   Classic Bucky.
            ❛   You’re limping.   And I’m assuming that’s not the only thing that got hurt tonight⸺  when we get back,  I’m expecting you to actually settle down and take care of yourself.   If it’s not me getting on your behind it’ll be your sisters.   Don’t be   /so stubborn/.    It’ll be your downfall, so don’t be dumb ‘n deny my help.    I think we’re almost home anyways,  hopefully.   It got dark all of a sudden.    .   ❜         