
hey guys, I have really created a community on this platform, and I love you all, reading your comments makes my day, seeing people have liked what I wrote (even though it’s cringey) makes me so happy. but I’m sad to say, I think my Wattpad days are up. I have no motivation, I’ve been so busy with homework and other big events in my life, there’s not enough time even if I had motivation. I thank you all for being there with me through this weird journey and for supporting me, and maybe I’ll come back. but for now, I hope you all have a wonderful, day, year, and life. I love you all, mommy signing out ❤️ 


@mommy108 Hi love, that's so sad to hear, but whatever makes YOU happy! I'm so excited for you and what's gonna happen! I hope you will have an amazing life, and we all love you.


328 followers congrats! I understand you have lost motivation and have other stressful things going on. But I really love your tokoyami x reader book! Yours is my favorite one on any online platform besides the fantasy curse one on wattpad. Really miss these stories and hope to hear or see more work from u soon!


Hello Author-san! How are you? I hope you are well and don't forget take care of yourself! ❤️ I'm a Thai translator, I came here to ask permission from the author. Is it about translating your fanfictions/books named "BNHA Boyfriend Scenarios" ( ) into my Thai language? I finished reading this and I love it so much! ❤️ ( And you don't have to worry about giving credit to the original, Because I always give credit to the original for respect the author as well! ) I want to practice my Thai translation, and I want to support writers like you too! I think you deserve more love and support, Author-san! (´。• ω •。`) ❤️✨
          ( PS. : If you feel uncomfortable or not okay with what I'm doing It's okay that you can tell me, I can delete this post for you! Author-san. )


hey guys, I have really created a community on this platform, and I love you all, reading your comments makes my day, seeing people have liked what I wrote (even though it’s cringey) makes me so happy. but I’m sad to say, I think my Wattpad days are up. I have no motivation, I’ve been so busy with homework and other big events in my life, there’s not enough time even if I had motivation. I thank you all for being there with me through this weird journey and for supporting me, and maybe I’ll come back. but for now, I hope you all have a wonderful, day, year, and life. I love you all, mommy signing out ❤️ 


@mommy108 Hi love, that's so sad to hear, but whatever makes YOU happy! I'm so excited for you and what's gonna happen! I hope you will have an amazing life, and we all love you.