
Surprise, I've changed my ONC entry! :) I figured because I have so little time to write anyway, there's no point in doing a piece that requires so much thought and careful navigation like BSB does. I don't have the capacity to tackle such an ambitious and sensitive project at the moment, and I don't think the ONC is the place to do it either. So, I'm putting BSB on the backburner and switching my focus to a silly little sapphic-zombie-scifi mashup instead! The first chapter is published, I hope you enjoy 'Nexus'!


@prayingtothealiens  I hope we'll get to read BSB someday! But I'm definitely going to check out your new entry 


Surprise, I've changed my ONC entry! :) I figured because I have so little time to write anyway, there's no point in doing a piece that requires so much thought and careful navigation like BSB does. I don't have the capacity to tackle such an ambitious and sensitive project at the moment, and I don't think the ONC is the place to do it either. So, I'm putting BSB on the backburner and switching my focus to a silly little sapphic-zombie-scifi mashup instead! The first chapter is published, I hope you enjoy 'Nexus'!


@prayingtothealiens  I hope we'll get to read BSB someday! But I'm definitely going to check out your new entry 


Can’t believe I missed ONC prompt day! So many good ones, but I’ve fallen in love with #15… 


@chaikovskiy nvm just saw your announcement! happy birthday btw :))


@chaikovskiy ditto! what prompt were you thinking of this year?


hell yes!! i can’t wait for your entry! 


Apologies for the lack of ONC book updates, I have been very bogged down with uni work (on top of my full course load I’ve taken up like four extra curriculars, three of which I’m running/helping run in staff positions lol) and haven’t had a lot of time to write. One of my courses is a creative writing course though, so I should be able to dedicate some of that study time to writing TEL!