` i don't even have the strength to argue with you anymore, camellia.

⠀ ░፝֟֯ the words stung, sinking into his skin like ink into paper. was this pointless ? to chase after something he clearly couldn't have. ` ( I was terrified . ) ` he answered, hand clutching at his aching chest. ` ( terrified I was lying to myself ; that I would lose it if I acknowledged it. ) ` his gaze would flicker to the ground, unable to even lift his head in fear the man before him would be gone by the time he was done. ` ( all my life things were ripped away from me. I didn't want that to happen with you . ) ` he sighed, shaking his head at himself. sudden doubt raced over him in waves of embarrassment. ` ( I've realised now .. that you won't go anywhere, and all my confliction only ended up pushing you away. ) ` taking an almost unnoticeable breath, camellia stepped forward, hands reaching out - left hand gingerly resting upon a pale cheek and the other shyly taking a few gloved fingers into his, not too confident to grasp his whole hand. ` ( i want to tell you. you can walk away after, and I'll never chase you again. I'll go home. Just, please, let me say what I came here to. ) ` @buryhimgone

@shaIIowd ` [ vlayd had to use every fibre of his being to not load his gun, a ceaseless amount of terrorism inside his body had him reeling. rage spills from his gaze and onto camellia, a scoff escaping. ] what made you gain confidence now? cam, seriously, it might have been better for you if you had just stayed home.

░፝֟֯ there was so many words piling onto his tongue, begging to be said in the very moment he had laid eyes of vlayd. his chest heaved, looking over his shoulder cautiously before taking a step forward. ` ( I shouldn't have hesitated . ) ` he started, hand twitching to reach out to the blond before him. ` ( I should have been more confident with you -- with everything about us. ) ` @buryhimgone