
where did you go? 


+ his instinct is to run away but louis stays put. he grunts , itches around the root on an antler to provide a facade of ease . + you’re agitated . can’t you feel that ? i can see it clear as day . are you going to take it out on me, legosi ?


a p  —   *   he choked at the sudden use of language as his eyes narrowed ever so slightly as he paused,   *   i’m not  /  mad,  /   and i’m not giving you any sort of look so i don’t understand what you’re trying to say.   *   was the hybrid trying to provoke him?   he wondered,   and yet another growl escaped past his lips.   *


                            i dunno . maybe you wouldn’t be such a pussy is all . + his chuckle lacks humor, auburn hues  light up in amusement at that . his own tail beats against his leg, thumps like a rabbits leg anxiously . + what you getting mad at me now ? what’s that look ?


          “ quit lookin at me like that , ” he squirms , an affect that bruce wayne has always had over the lantern . the man who could snatch the ring off his finger and render him useless if he ever felt like it . he straightens , flashing that golden boy smile that has always gotten him his way so far . “ well / excuse / me , boss . did i hurt your feelings ? ”


          the heroine tsk , fingers cracked through an exaggerated show of pushing them outward before placing hands behind his head . “ did you seriously just call me / lad / like we weren’t born within five years of each other ? this is just one reason i’m better than you . ”