
@DonnaShark yep, I agree.. Sometimes I even wish I didn't have this sixth sense, because I am so sensitive, empatethic, and people's feelings affect mine, I mean, their sadness becomes my sadness, and this is kinda uncomfortable.. I don't know if you actually get what I'm saying haha idk how to explain


@DonnaShark yep, I agree.. Sometimes I even wish I didn't have this sixth sense, because I am so sensitive, empatethic, and people's feelings affect mine, I mean, their sadness becomes my sadness, and this is kinda uncomfortable.. I don't know if you actually get what I'm saying haha idk how to explain


@DonnaShark same! It's like a sixth sense or something like that, but I can feel it.. I also understand what kind of people I have in front of me at the first impression..kinda weird, but useful haha


@simphonia  totally same thing with me I mean, people often act as if nothing is wrong around them (wrong with people) but I believe if people paid attention to stuff around them, they'll realize that even the people who smile the most are actually very unhappy


@DonnaShark owh, hello dream-twin! I'm really into this stuff, I want to know everything, I like to observe and analyze the people I talk with, sometimes I scare myself lol


@simphonia haha same I tend to stare at people when they're talking ... its weird because I'm usually right when guessing what they're thinking.


I don't know lol ahaha. People say i have good voice but i dont think so. Is that wierd? I also really enjoy writtng too. Most of my teacherd said to me i will be a great author. I dont know. I have time to think. I just want to enjoy do it :)