
Sorry I won’t have an update today for FFWL. It’s been a crazy busy week (I mean isn’t it for everyone this time of year?!) and on top of it I’ve gotten sick. I’ll try to update within the next couple days. 


I’m no professional, but I decided to give the Head Over Heels cover a little upgrade in case anyone sees it and is confused. Gotta love procrastination at its best  
          T-minus 2 days until Book 2, From Florida With Love, goes live! 


@stephzimmy I'm so excited to read it!



Announcement!  I can officially announce that book 2 of Head Over Heels will officially start to be posted over Thanksgiving break! 
          For anyone waiting to read, sorry it’s been a slow process. But I’ve finally forced myself to have a plan and am posting here for accountability purposes! I still haven’t landed on the perfect title for the second book yet, but once I do I’ll announce that as well! 
          Happy reading and writing to any friends until then!  Until next time -SZ 


@olivemorse88 thanks so much for the kind words. It means a lot!! 


@stephzimmy yay yay yay!! I’m so exited to read more of this amazing book!! Your such a talented writer and hope you continue writing these amazing books ♥️