
Heyyyy, soooooo, I'm not dead. Well not literally at least. I really want to keep working on the previous book but I am beyond stressed. Between work, professors, assignments, and sometimes the gym I have like no time guys. I think I'm gonna slowly keep writing chapters then I'll post them all at once, but to everyone that stayed, Thank you. Know I haven't died just a lot going on but we is workin on it! ; )


Heyyyy, soooooo, I'm not dead. Well not literally at least. I really want to keep working on the previous book but I am beyond stressed. Between work, professors, assignments, and sometimes the gym I have like no time guys. I think I'm gonna slowly keep writing chapters then I'll post them all at once, but to everyone that stayed, Thank you. Know I haven't died just a lot going on but we is workin on it! ; )


This is for: The Twilight Forest
          I've come up with a writing and posting schedule. So for those that wonder when I'll post, this schedule is good till THE VERY END OF MAY. THIS CAN CHANGE IN JUNE.  (2021)
          So far I write for about 40 mins every day which is maybe a fully edited chapter or 2 or 3 'quick write' chapters, those aren't edited. I will likely only post on Saturday and Sunday but I will post multiple chapters at once. One weekend I might only post 2 or 3 chapters but the next I could post 10 chapters.
          Still working this into my daily schedule but I love writing so I won't stop this story for a while.
          Have a good day/night/evening/or morning  loves, goodbye!