
Hi everyone.
          	I thought I would give you guys an update on Lone Wolf.  If you read the last chapter you know I've been struggling with it.  I'm currently doing a little brainstorming so the next chapter may be a bit of wait.  But, I think I may be getting a few ideas on how to proceed.  I'm just working on fleshing them out right now. I hope I can post more soon. :)


          	  Where can we find Lone wolf? it seems like a good book! i love wild cat. i hope you write more books like that,


@unbrokenworld who was the main character of lone wolf?


@unbrokenworld  somehow wildcat disappeared from my best books reading list but that is were it should have been!! 


Hi Carla, I just wanted to say thanks for the amazing story!! I remember reading it here when you were finishing the last few chapters of Wildcats. Every now and then I'll come back and reread it when I feel nostalgic. Keep up the great work and I hope you're doing well!!