-Late January-

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(Noelle's Point of View)

Like I had promised, I thought about quitting my job at the café. I gave my two week notice the day before, so that in February I wouldn't have to work anymore. It still puzzled me that Locke could support us both, but I didn't dwell on it for long. I had given my notice to my landlord for my apartment too, and had been busy packing to officially move in with Locke. Part of me was afraid that Locke and I were going too fast, but the look of absolute love in his golden eyes was unmistakable. I was home, relaxing with Locke. "Hey Noelle?" He turned to me.

"Yeah?" I looked up from my book.

"Do you want to go out tonight? Someplace... Fancy?" Locke looked embarrassed - his cheeks were red and he shifted a lot.

"If you want to." I smiled, holding his hand. He nodded, smiling back and relaxing.

Evening came and I was in the bathroom getting ready for my date with Locke. I put up my hair, twisting it into a messy pink bun, and then adjusted my dress. I already had makeup on, and I didn't see any point in redoing it, so I just spruced it up a little, and then added matte lipstick in a deep shade of purple. I walked out of the bathroom and into the living room. Locke was standing by the door, waiting in a black dress shirt and a dark gray vest, with black skinny jeans and his combat boots. He held his jacket and mine in his arms. When he saw me, his cheeks flushed red.

"Noelle... You look... wow!!" He gaped.

(Locke's Point of View)

I stared at Noelle. She stood in front of me in a gorgeous black dress and black tights. Her silky pink hair was twisted up into a messy bun, stray locks falling around her face. She had her smoky black eyeliner on from earlier, now a little neater than before, and stunning dark purple lipstick. She rarely wore any, so it was always a bit of a surprise when she wore it, and of course it made her all the more attractive.

"Th-thanks Locke..." She shuffled, embarrassed. Her cheeks burned red. "You look great too..." Noelle looked down.

"Ready to go Sweetling?" I asked, opening her jacket, allowing her to slide her arms in as she put on her boots. Once she was bundled up, I put my own coat on.

"Yes." She nodded, and we headed out the door.

I had rented a car for us, not having invested in my own. I held Noelle's door open for her and waited as she climbed in, then seated myself in the driver's side, starting the car and pulling away from the house. It didn't take long to get to the restaurant. I glanced sideways at Noelle, who was staring out of the window and gaped. "L-Locke!"

"Yes?" I parked the vehicle, turning to her.

"This is the most expensive restaurant in town! You didn't have to take me here!" She exclaimed.

"Nonsense," I helped Noelle out of the car. "I wanted to take you somewhere nice." We walked into the restaurant side by side.

"Well this is more than just nice!"

The inside was as refined as the outside, with dark oak panelled walls, gorgeous marble floors and candlelight gently illuminating each table. I stepped up to a hostess dressed in black.

"Reservation for Munroe." I nodded to the hostess.

"Right this way." She gave a small, polite smile as she led Noelle and I into the dining area.

"Your table, sir." She gestured to an empty booth, then held out two menus. I took off my jacket, allowing Noelle to slide into the booth first. The leather cushion dipped as I settled myself beside her. I took the menus and gave one to Noelle. "Drinks to start off?" The hostess had a pen and notepad in hand, ready to write down our requests. Noelle looked up at me nervously, and I smiled.

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