Chapter 4

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Amour spent the next night practicing a more contemporary piece by Caroline Shaw. Bonnie was with Matt at his place, probably having sex. There was a knock on the door and she thought about not answering but for some reason there were butterflies in her stomach. Amour opened the door to see Kol. She blushed and her heart raced. The last memory she'd seen his mouth was full of witch's blood so Kol looked rightly sheepish. The one before had been a violent Shakespeare reenactment in front of a young black boy. "You're awake!" Amour said and she was surprised by her own excitement.

"You're happy to see me?" Amour thought for a moment then nodded.

"Of course."


"I can't begin to understand the motive behind some of your cruelty. But I do know it would never be directed at me nor someone I love."

"You're quite forgiving, little love." He said then moved to sit on the edge of the porch. She sat at the threshold to the house, just in case.

"It is not my place to forgive wrongs that weren't done to me. I'm glad you're awake."

"I'm glad you're real. Though quite little."

"We are almost the same height!" she complained with the maximum sass. He chuckled.

"If you say so," he stood up, "I must be going."

"You sure? I just learned a contemporary piece. I could welcome you to the present with my violin." He smiled at her.

"Another time, little love."

"Okay then," she nodded embarrassed, "Have a good night."

"You too, Persephone."

A couple weeks later, the Bennett witches received an invite to a ball. It was only two days away, so quite the late invite. Bonnie bought consignment clothes that she altered to fit them better. Hers was a vintage dress off the shoulders but with a high neckline. It cinched at her waist and originally touched the floor before she hemmed it. Amour's dress was a bit harder. Originally it was quite plain but modern. The top was too low so Bonnie added a high necked only slightly sheer overlay. Then the skirt was originally slitted, Bonnie closed it just slightly. "You look much too mature," Bonnie said after Amour tried it on. Her little sister was a week away from her fourteenth birthday but her body looked curvier than Bonnie's own.

"Really?" Amour asked with a blush.

"Maybe another layer on the neckline?"

"You can't even see anything. "

"What about another skirt on top of that skirt? More ballgown style, wouldn't you like that?"

"Do I not look nice?"

"Of course you do. I just...when did you grow up?" She struggled not to cry.

"I'm not grown up but I am almost fourteen," Amour said proudly.

"Okay, okay, you look beautiful."

"Thank you. Matt is going to flip when he sees you. You look absolutely amazing." Bonnie smoothed her own skirts.


The ball had started by the time they arrived. Bonnie was looking around for any threat. Amour just wanted to see Kol. He appeared next to her quickly. "Dear Persephone." He greeted her. She flushed red and smiled at him. She loved her first name when he used it.

"Bonnie, this is Kol," Amour said as Bonnie looked between them.

"You know him?" she asked her baby sister.

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