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Adrianus looked like any other cat, his fur was a dark ginger and his piercing green eyes were sharp enough to stab through walls, but that wasn't accounting for the fact that the cat had the intellectual capabilities to hack into satellites, the strength of a tiger, and the speed of a cheetah. When Raven brought all the animals home, and had been swamped by a wave of animals running towards the their respectful owners, how they knew who to go to is anyone's guess. All of the animals, except for the raven, who fluttered it's indigo feathers and settled on Raven's shoulder, even I could see the irony.

Voulge picked up a pure white angora rabbit timidly, she obviously wasn't the one who decided on it as an idea. The puff ball of an animal wriggled into her arms, making her even more uncomfortable. The animal, somehow sensing her discomfort, loped out her arms with surprising grace and remained by her side.

Rapier was having a semi-literate conversation with a blue macaw, which had perched itself on his arm. He seemed as curious of the bird as it was of him, with the parrot making his way around him by grabbing onto the folds in his shirt.

Glaive was sitting with an emerald tree boa circled around him. The python was transfixed in some sort of staring contest, which made me laugh as snakes don't have eyelids. Glaive finally blinked and the snake made the most un-snake gesture of victory.

Loch had an iguana running all the way around his body, stopping every so often to check out his surroundings before running on, in a constant mission to reach an unknown end. Loch eventually caught the lizard, which then sat calmly on his shoulder.

Katana was busy trying to calm down an over excited golden retriever, which was inspecting everything about his new owner, especially the sword that hung from his left side. Katana tried to take its mind away from it by patting it and focusing the dog on him, which eventually worked.

Sling was holding three tiny blue poison dart frogs in her hand, which was protected from their poison by a gauntlet. The tiny animals looked at her so innocently, and it reminded me of her, sweet, kind and deadly. Sling seemed fascinated by the animals and was looking as closely as she dared, which was still a far distance.

Guisarme was busy playing games with a yellow mongoose, who seemed all too happy to oblige. The animal simply followed her finger, and when it caught the finger, it would chew on it playfully, much to the amusement of Guisarme.

Adrianus meanwhile sat at my feet, assessing the situation like a general might assess a battlefield, his green eyes flicking from one person to the next, as if trying to work out who was the biggest threat.

The cat stretched and moved through the group of animals and humans and padded up the stairs, where he sat, halfway up the stairs, swishing his tail as if he were beaconing me to follow. He turned and continued up the stairs when he noticed me coming. I let him into my room and he instantly fell asleep at the foot of the bed, not giving any head to what was happening downstairs, not caring about anyone's problems but his own, I can see why Raven picked him for me.

I came and laid down of my bed with my cat, who moved up and snuggled in next to me, giving me a strong sense of comfort which would never happen with any human.

The others went through as they wanted to, some even bothering to check on me, even though I was pretending to be asleep. Adrianus stayed where he was throughout the entire time, every now and then readjusting himself into a more comfortable position.

We stayed like this for ages before and idea crossed my mind. Picking up pieces of cloth, I made him a small blanket for him to sleep under, which he seemed to enjoy.

The cat became more active at about 10pm, stalking along the book shelves, as if looking for the right book, his tail trailing along the books, similar to a human finger trailing along the spines of books in bookstores or libraries.

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