Chapter XXXIII

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Cadence's POV

A couple periods of class go by and the glaring still doesn't stop.

To make matters most, since we're both nobles naturally we're in all the same classes.

For the entire day I've been constantly attacked with his hostile looks.

Allycia and Claira have noticed this weird situation and I could tell they were annoyed due to the dark smiles plastered on their face.

I have no doubt that the twins would have already confronted Eugene if not for the fact that both parties have been occupied by lessons all day.

In the first place what could I have possibly done to recieve such hostility?! We've never even met or spoke to each other so why is this happening?!

I couldn't have unknowingly done something to offend anyone right? After all I've stayed completely anti social and silent to my classmates (with the exceptions of the twins of course)

Whilst contemplating and debating over all the possibilities in my head, class quickly breezed by and the lunch bell rang.

Allycia and Claira immediately got up from their seats and gently but firmly dragged me along with them.

I watched as we headed straight to the opposite side of the classroom where Eugene had sat.

I can't say i'm suprised by their actions but still suddenly confronting the person whose been glaring at you all day was quite the nerve wracking feeling.

However I'm also grateful to have friends like the twins who always stayed by my side and stood up for the me who lacked social skills

Eugene stares at us as we quickly approach him, the twins not hesitating or faltering in the slightest.

We stop in front of him and by instinct I find myself tightly holding Allycia's arm.

[ "Good evening. My name is Allycia Vanair, first daughter to the house of Duke Vanair. This is my younger twin sister Claira. You are the son of Marquees Bolevin correct?" ]

Eugene stares expressionless at her for a couple of seconds before nodding twice

[ "Simply refer to me by my name Eugene. Let's not stall and waste valuable time. What do you want?" ]

He says with a monotone voice and still no expression. His straightforwardness took me by suprise.

Claira tilts her head slightly and smiles in a slightly dark manner.

[ "Do excuse us but should that not be our question? It happens that we've noticed you staring at the Cadence quite a bit today. Could you have some concerns with her, and in turn with us the Vanair twins?" ]

Gosh this is oddly passive aggressive! Both parties have neutral expressions but I can feel the hostility oozing out in their auras!

At this point I've noticed that most of the class have their eyes glued onto us, curious on what's going on.

Eugene stays silent for a while whilst turning his gaze onto me and staring my entire existence down.

I can tell the twins are irritated by this due to fact that their smiles have stiffened and become more forced looking

After a good minute of waiting he finally answers

[ "I am simply analysing the enemy." ]

He says nonchalantly with no worry or care towards the twins

Unlike the twins I'm not so good at hiding my thoughts. My eyes and mouth widen in clear shock as I begin to feel myself turn pale.

....e-enemy? Why am I an enemy?!    

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