Koushi Oikawa

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Tooru Oikawa and Sugawara Koushi became quick friends in elementary school, when Koushi was sitting behind a tree holding a volleyball in his lap and having a conversation with a fellow classmate, and Tooru had seen the volleyball and came up to them, forcing his way into their conversation and asking Koushi if he wanted to be friends.

Koushi had smiled, unperturbed at the interruption, and said "Sure! You're really pretty!"

While Tooru's eyes widened, the classmate sitting in front of Koushi had laughed. "Boys can't be pretty, Koushi! Girls are pretty, boys are han-some."

Koushi had crossed his arms, furrowed his eyebrows, and pouted. Now, he declines any accusations of being a pouty kid, and whenever he does Tooru brings up this moment. "Boys can too be pretty! If they can't, explain Tooru-chan!" The silver haired boy had pointed at Tooru as he exclaimed, his tone suggesting Hah! Got you there!

Tooru hadn't fully known what was happening, but he knew enough to know that he was being complimented, and it made him put his hands on his hips and give his not-yet-perfected smirk. "Yeah! I'm pretty!"

The classmate had scrunched his nose, at a loss. Suddenly, his chubby little face brightened, in the way every kid's does when they think that they've come up with the perfect come-back. "Well if you think he's so pretty, then why don't you marry him?!" The classmate challenged.

Neither Tooru nor Koushi- especially Tooru- were ever one back down from a challenge, so when Koushi said, "I will!", Tooru quickly agreed.

Their classmate stared at the slack-jawed and Koushi stood up. "B-but, you're both boys! You can't marry!"

Koushi had tilted his head, messy silver hair that was more of a blonde at the time falling over his face. "Then what are we doing right now?"

Tooru had grinned. Koushi was so fun! He wondered why they hadn't talked sooner. He seemed like a good friend. "Yeah!"

Their classmate blinked, once again at a loss, looking dumbfounded. "Uh... I don't know? I guess you're right... I wanna be the priest!"

They had spent the rest of recess gathering people- a flower girl, groomsmen, and people who just watched. A few students looked at them weirdly, but when confronted with why , why couldn't they get married just because they were both boys, they just shrugged and joined the group.

Koushi stood by the tree, in front of their classmate who was going to marry them, and the girl that had begged to be flower girl pranced along the little aisle they created with sticks and threw dandelions along the path.

Then, Tooru tottered after her, holding a bouquet of dandelions and some purple little flower they found growing around the sandbox. Koushi grinned as Tooru came up to stand behind him, and Tooru grinned back.

"Pretty," Koushi had stated again.

"I know," Tooru responded.

"Kiss the bride!" Their classmate declared, the only thing he said as their priest. Tooru and Koushi leaned forward, Koushi a little bit up as Tooru had already started a little growth spurt, and pressed their lips together, giving eachother a loud, smacking kiss.

And then they were married.

Koushi and Tooru had their first fight that same day, during lunch. They had held hands almost all day, dutifully correcting teachers whenever they said, "Aww, what such good friends. So cute."

When they got to lunch, Tooru informed Koushi that he would have to change his name to Koushi Oikawa.

The silver-haired had pouted. "No! You were the bride, so you take my name! Tooru Sugawara!"

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