Lovesick Obsession - 1

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The opening to Everybody Wants To Rule The World by Tears for Fears starts playing.

Welcome to your life.

The song soon fades out after the first line because that's all he needs.

With this life, I'm pleased. My secrets are mine and mine alone, no one to interfere. Well... my thoughts are uninterrupted but the physical world? My surroundings? A constant distraction. Especially one beautiful person in particular.

Rhys Theamoor.

A spectacular athlete. Lovable nerd. Kind hearted... and he's all mine- well... he will be. I have yet to speak to him. If I did, I fear I'd implode! Oh! What would I even say?

"Hi. You might not know- remember me, but I gave you candy hearts in the third grade!"

Not that that was the last time I talked to him. It was just the only memorable thing I'd done because I threw up right after. (Not on him of course! I'd never! It was on our homeroom teacher, Mrs. Thomson.)

  He loves candy hearts, so I hide some in his locker every day! (I know the code, but why would I tell you when it's my little secret?) I never leave notes and he's given up trying to figure out who leaves them, so he leaves 'thank you' notes instead! I have 1,209 in one drawer alone! That reminds me... I'll have to expand my hiding spaces to make more room for his items.

Too bad he won't be getting his kneebrace back... or his toothbrush.... I've taken many items he used or wore-

That's besides the point. Where were we?

Ah yes. This.

Welcome to my life Rhys.

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