Burned Out

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Alex TurnerxAlexa Chung

When he left, at first, I felt nothing.

Well, I was numb. I'm pretty sure I stared at the wall for at least several hours.

It felt like I had no purpose. He was my purpose.

Then, it began to burn.

My heart, my throat, my chest and lungs, just everything.

It burned like that first sip of a fresh soda. Or your bum after a spanking.

It burned. And I needed him.

All of his words creeped into my brain and stayed there. And that hurt even worse.

"I'm leaving."


"I can't stay. Not here, not with you."


"You always told me, if something makes me unhappy, then leave. To get away from it, and that's what I'm doing."

And with that, he was gone. Just as quick as he came.

And so was I.

I was never my same happy, cheery self after that. It was like he took a large piece of me with him.

So every morning, and every night at approximately 10:06pm, images of us, mainly him, flashed in front of my eyes.

I've gotten used to it, and sometimes, they even make me smile. My favourite one is the picture of us when he has his arm around me and I have his jacket on.

It was a Polaroid picture.

"Alex.." A sigh of that oh so familiar name slipped past my lips as I ran my fingers over the flower tattoo on my scared wrist. The tattoo that he held my hand while I was getting. The tattoo that matched the one on his forearm.

Sinking my nails into the skin, a loud, panicked, breathless sob escaped my lips.

This was it. The first time I cried since he left. That was four years ago.

I let another one ring out into the air as the familiar burning came back. The sobs racked through my entire body, my hand coming up to clutch my chest. "Alex..Alex, please!"

I wasn't sure what I was begging him for but it hurt. It hurt so bad. I needed him.

My whole body trembled, my eyes squeezed shut as I moaned and groaned for him.

My pitiful crying was too loud to hear the door open, and my eyes were too blurry to see him walk in. But my body wasn't trembling too much to feel him wrap his arms around me.

I didn't even pull away nor respond to him. I just sat there and cried my eyes out. And he just held me.

Like I needed.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 31, 2015 ⏰

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