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hey if you reading this it probably means your interesting in reading this book! here are some things to know. 

1) this is the first ever book I have written.

2)Spencer will act differently in this because it is necessary to the plot, but I always enjoy feedback!

3) this book will discuss mature themes, such as drug addiction, gore, and childhood trauma. (the variety I haven't decided yet) I will try to put a warning but If I forget please just comment and I will get right on it. 

4) this book will NOT have smut, maybe some spicy making out or something but I just don't feel comfortable writing that.

5) This book is not my main priority right now, I'm writing it because I didn't see the type of book I wanted to read, I will try to update once a week or so, but no promises and please don't be mad if I don't!

6) I am not the best speller, or writer in general, I will try to have my friend read it and check it for typos but I do not want to pester her.

7)I hope you enjoy the book! I have it semi planned out but am not sure on the ending yet so if  you have ideas please tell me, I would LOVE to hear them!

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