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"Ha ha, hahahaha, hahahaha, hahahahahaha!" Irida's laughter echoed through the courtyard loudly, as did the sounds of metal on metal. Irida was fighting again, and she had given into the madness.

"Stop!" a boy screamed, and metal clanged again. Irida continued laughing, louder and louder each time. "Leave me alone! I don't want to fight you!" 

"Irida!" headmistress Aragon yelled, coming into the corridor. Irida stood stiffly, but then started giggling and cocked her head to the side. Her entire body shook with every breath. 

"Yes?" she asked, staring at the boy with wide, gleaming eyes. He stared back, trying to make her afraid with his own dark eyes, but she didn't even flinch. 

"Stop this, right now!" the headmistress yelled. Irida was silent for a moment, until her laughing erupted wildly and the pounding of footsteps could be heard from a mile away. As could the spilling of blood on the stepping stones as the headmistress collapsed onto the ground. 

"Heh heh," Irida started, but the boy cut her off.

"Shut up!" he screamed, and the clanging of metal was heard again. He tried many strikes at her, but she was too quick. She moved fluidly and quickly, her eyes never leaving his own and her smile never once wavering. 

"I'm going to kill you," she sang and laughed wildly again. "I'm going to use your blood to paint the walls." He flinched and she grinned widely, and struck him in the side. 

Adrian...let the madness take you too... a small voice, his father's voice, whispered in his head, and he shook it wildly. "Never," he said. "I will fight this on my own, father." He reached down to his side and took his hand away, and saw blood gleaming on it.

His consciousness wavered and his vision darkened, but he held on. He would not succumb to the dark madness, not while he could still win this. 

"Having fun? I know that I am..." Irida sang, and came at him again. Adrian dodged quickly and swung at her back, hitting her right in the center of it. The sword sliced cleanly into it, and tore away covered in blood. Irida laughed and swung around, hitting Adrian in the head with the side of her sword. He fell to the ground and struggled to get up, but she kicked him down again, and hit him over the head with the flat edge of her sword. 

Adrian's body shook and his eyes closed quickly. He stood up and turned to face her, then opened his eyes wide and smiled. "You will not kill me," he said and started laughing. "But I will indeed kill you."

Just a little inspiration I had! Should I try and continue with it? Any thoughts are helpful!(:            


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 19, 2012 ⏰

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