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There was a kind of stickiness to the air, as she pulled herself up, Púr felt her sweat drip down her forehead, and her arms burn.


"You did as expected today." Damian said, putting a hand on her shoulder. It was lunch, and Val came over to join them. "How would you know Mr. Special squadron?" Púr teased, elbowing him to make sure he knew she was joking.

"Hello Val." Damian said as she sat down, and she smiled back at him. "Hi, Dame." Not Even Púr could call him that, only Val in all her glory.

"So, how was your day?" Púr asked.
"Decent." Damian and Val responded in unison.

"What do you think is for desert?" Púr asked when the meal was done for.
"I hope it's iced cream."
"Honestly Val," Damian said patting her jokingly on the head, "you know we only get that when something successful happens."
"Then I hope something successful happens."


Kcka a sound like static escaped Damian's lips as he lifted the weight to the maximum height he could lift it without sitting up.

"Good job Damian, you can rest a little. But don't slack off." Damian nodded. "Thank you sir."
"Your welcome Damian."

"So, how is the physical training going for you?" Damian asked, sitting down next to her on the bench. "Good, actually." Val responded.

Last month, Damian and Val had been moved up to the special squadrons, leaving Púr behind. Unlike Damian, Val struggled with the physical tasks, but had a sharp brain that could do anything, to the point where she didn't need muscles.

Damian on the other hand, was strong and clever, but had Dislexia, OMD, struggled with math, and more. He could only really push ahead with physical tasks.

"Glad to hear it." He replied, smiling. "How do you think Púr is doing right now?"
"Good, I hope."
"Me too."


At lunch, everything was normal.


At dinner, nothing was normal.

Once they found eachother, Val, Damian, and Púr got in line. But something was off, nobody talked. When they got down the line for food, there was no food, instead they were each handed a slip Of paper, told not to open it, and instructed to sit down.

"What is going on?" Val asked Púr. "You guys don't know?"
"Know what?" Damian asked. "They found out some critical information, their gonna announce a bunch of important mumbo jumbo and have us open these notes. We have to stay quiet now, so shut up."

They stayed quiet. Hours passed by that felt like days. Until the lights flashed red, and everything went dark.


"As your aware," The loud speaker boomed. "This is a research facility known as sectoral station 666, and it is dedicated to finding ways to win the wars that plague our country and our allies so everlastingly."

"Well, we have decided that this facility is no longer needed to win this war. Look at your papers children," Everyone looked.

"I am sorry to have to tell you this but you are no longer needed, and you know to much."

Some people had already started to realize what was going on. There were pale looks, and running every which way, some kids were still trying to read their slips of paper in the dim lighting.

"If you look at your slips of paper, that is how you will be executed. Some of you may notice, but you have a slip that simply says, Dainc, follow Conner out that door to your left if that is the case. Warning, we have marked you in your sleep. We will know if you are really a Dainc."

Everyone started to panic now, and the three grabbed each other's hands.

"What does your slip say?" Púr panted when they found the door.
"Dainc." Val said, astonished. "...Same." Damian said hopefully. "Mine says..." Púr paused, this wasn't good.

"...Mine says: firing squad."
"What!" Damian shouted, throwing his hands down in denial.

"That can't be right." Val said, "They must have made a mistake or something..."

"It makes sense, I mean you guys are special right? I'm a nobody."

"No," Damian interrupted, "You were never a nobody, and you never will be one! We grew up together, only over my dead body will they ever split us up."

"Damian," Púr countered calmly, "They're going to take you up on that offer if you and Val don't get out, and soon." Púr countered.

"Damian, Valkyrie, I'm glad we found you. Come out to Conner so you don't get killed in this mess."

"But sir, our friend, Púr, she's supposed to be... she's scheduled to be executed."
"So is nearly everyone else in this room. Now come, or be escorted off of the premises."

Damian had to be escorted off of the premises that day.

Naabot mo na ang dulo ng mga na-publish na parte.

⏰ Huling update: Jan 01, 2021 ⏰

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