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DRIVE-THRUatsumu miya ▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃

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atsumu miya

when cliche romance becomes reality
for an underpaid mcdonald's employee
& one of japan's most adored volleyball
superstars. this is the story of: atsumu
miya and y/n l/n.

"my cravings became more than just midnight snacks when you came into my life. i began
craving your love and your presence."


i do not own any characters nor the plot
of haikyu! i'm also not affiliated with
haikyu in anyway.

however, 'drive-thru,' is my story and
i am the creator of the plot. please do not
re-create nor re-upload this story.

- ash !

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