The Heartsmith

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“The Heartsmith” by Randar Sebrof

Copyright © 2014 by Randar Sebrof. All rights reserved. This book was based off the original works of miyuli from Tumblr. 


 Once long ago, in a land where your heart was more than just a thing in your chest, it was something palpable, something you could give away, and it was something that could be broken or stolen. Your heart was something to be kept safe and many people hide theirs away. They kept them locked away in their chests, somewhere no one could harm their hearts, but some made the mistake to give it to their loved ones…or someone they thought loved them. They found their hearts broken, unable to beat, unable to love. This mistake was made time and time again until few made it their profession to help those with broken hearts.


In a busy street market, the midday sun hanging high above, a single vendor offered her wares. Dressed all in red, the young girl gave a smile to everyone who walked past her. “Would you like to buy a heart?” she asked the market goers as they bustled by, heading on their ways. “I have quite a few beauties to offer.” No one paused to even look, but her eyes never dulled. It was better that they need not a heart from her for they have one of their own.

As she was calling out her offers, a tall man stopped when he saw the hearts she held in her basket. “Sir!” she called excitedly. “Would you like to buy a heart?”

He leaned closer to her, his face brightening and filling with hope. “Do you also happen to repair broken hearts?” the man asked.

The Heartvendor shook her head. “Oh, no. I just sell hearts, sir.”

“I see.” The man’s face fell as his new hope drained away.

Seeing his sadness, the Heartvendor quickly added, “But if you go down that road, you will find the Heartsmith.” She pointed down the busy street to a shop on the corner. “He will help you.”

“Heartsmith?” the man muttered curiously before speaking up again. “Thank you, young lady.” He bowed to her in thanks before heading on his way.

“You’re welcome, sir.” The Heartvendor beamed as he went away.

The man quickly made his way to the grand shop with the words “Heartsmith” posted above it. He took a breath before pushing open the heavy wooden doors. The man came into the Heartsmith tinkering on a glowing red heart in the back of the shop.

“Um, excuse me?” the man hesitantly called out, stopping just inside the shop.

“Huh?” the Heartsmith paused in his work. He took off his goggles and looked over, a smile forming on his face when he saw the man. “Oh, a customer!” the Heartsmith got up to welcome the man into his humble shop. “Welcome, sir! What can I do for you?”

“A young girl told me you repair hearts?” the man said, gesturing outside to where the Heartvendor was. The Heartsmith smiled at the mention of his friend. They often sent each other business.

“Yup,” he pointed to himself. “That’s what I do! I’m the Heartsmith.” He held out his hand to the man. “Pleased to meet you.” Blushing, the man took it a little awkwardly.

“Pleased to meet you, too.” The man let go and looked around curiously at the shop.

Moving on to business, the Heartsmith asked the man, “What seems to be the problem?” The man pulled out his broken and cracked heart, a dull red compared to the other the smith had just been working on. The Heartsmith leaned over to get a closer look. “Well…” he paused as he assessed the damage of the man’s heart. “Oh, boy, this one looks pretty damaged.” The Heartsmith mused over what he could do to repair it. The task seemed tough as the Heartsmith thought over his options.

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