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Hello, everyone! My name is Kamryn, or PJO_Fangirl_13 to those coming from my fanfictions. Please feel free to call me by my name, I won't make you type my whole username. Now before I dive into this collection of my art works, I thought I'd share a little about myself.

For as long as I can remember, art has been a huge part of my life. From that messed up paper snowman I made in preschool, to the detailed landscapes painted onto canvases of today- art has always been a part of me.

For a while the acitivity was simply just a hobbie I enjoyed doing to pass time- I wasn't necessaruly good at it. It wasn't until middle school that I started to fully invest in art and put time into my works. And until my freshman year of high school, art didn't really have a personal meaning to me.

Throughout all of freshman year, I struggled with anxiety- due to loss of a majority of my friends, transferring from a class of 19 to one of 200, bullying, and toxic friendships. During those trying times, art had become my only escape from reality- outside of sticking my nose in a book.  When I would feel the anxiety start taking ahold of me, I'd pick up a pencil/pain brush and allow the utensil to guide my hand across whatever surface I was projecting my thoughts onto. Sometimes it would only take a few minutes of drawing to calm me down, other times I would sit there for hours on end. The worst days were when I couldn't even bring myself to pick up a paint brush.

Writing had also been a huge reality escape. When my fingers glide against the alphabetical keys, I felt the anxiety fade away to nothingness and it was almost euphoric. I didn't have to worry about the tiniest things when I dived into my writing, even if it wasn't my own characters I was writing about.

However, writing put a damper on my artwork. I stayed focus on what I was writing down on paper and putting on a laptop that I stopped doing art. I also just wasn't motivated to take out the paints. It took me a while, but eventually I made time for both activities.

With the help of art, genuine friends, and prayer (please don't see this as me forcing my religion onto you, I know not everyone is religious) my anxiety has lightened. To this day I still struggle with constant worrying, I am able to calm myself down when I have a specifically bad episode- most the time anyway.

To some people, art might seem illogical or a waste of time. Others may see it as something to pass by time as I once had. But to me, it's my therapy.

Throughout this book, I hope you all find inspiration to create your own artowork (you don't have to be good at it to make art) or find a deeper meaning to what art means to you.

Feel free to use them as reference photos, screenshot (give me credit if you post them anywhere).

I hope you enjoy my artowork!

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