Knight In Shining Armor

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Once upon a time, in a castle not so far away there live a knight, now this seems like your average fairy tale, however our "knight" is a lot younger then you would expect.

"Sammy! Could you please stop following me, I wanna talk to my friend!"

"Nooo..! I want to follow yoouuu..." Samantha the four year old was a knight, and a very young one at that. However once you ignore the cuteness resonating from them you realize they're an extremely capable force of nature that will do anything, and I mean anything to stop they're foe and get what they want.

"Wahhhh!! Big sis Melody..! Where are you..?" Samantha was clearly trying to find her sister, but big sis Melody clearly wanted to just talk to her friend on her cell-phone. 

"Sammy, not right now. I'm talking to my friend over the phone..." Melody sighed, clearly she was starting to get tired of repeating that same thing over and over again.

"But I have to protect you! From the evil kill from the u-up there!" She pointed to the roof.

"You mean up north?" Melody rolled her eyes in annoyance.

"Yess! That one, so I will p-protect you!"

Melody sighed, "Samantha I don't need protecting, say I'll play with your AFTER I finished my call, okay?"

Samantha now with sad eyes, "Y-you promise..?" She held out her pinky towards Melody.

"I promise." Melody takes her pinky and swears that after her call she would play with Samantha. But you know, not all promises are kept anyway.

"I heaard thaatt." Oh? You can hear me, hmm I don't know what to make of this situation.

"You don't have to say anything, I trust my big sis Melody, that she will come after her call so we can play!" Oh Samantha how foolish can you be? Do you even know what time it is..? It's 7:30pm right now, you'll be going to bed at 8:30pm, by the time she even finishes her call with her friend, it'll be bed time for both of you.

"I know but a promise is a promise!" 

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